UnAnything Wiki

What is UnAnything? UnAnything is a humor wiki that's been running for over a decade. Want to edit? Read the rules, because your edits won't be saved unless you follow the instructions within. But if you're just curious about us, you can read the guide. Be sure to also check out our Discord! Have fun!


UnAnything Wiki

What is ScratchX?[]

ScratchX is a secret organization that plans to destroy Scratch, and all trademarks of it, including the Scratch Cat, Gobo, Gobo's Friends, and most importantly, the Scratch Team. The founder of the group, kaj, was their leader for most of their existence but when the Scratch Team arrested him, LiFaytheGoblin took over and is likely the favorite to rule unless kaj is rescued.


The current plan to destroy Scratch is to simply X everything out.

Why are they doing this?[]

ScratchX hates how the Scratch Team wants to take over the world by gaining energy units. By destroying Scratch, the theory is that the Scratch Team will no longer get their energy units. The Scratch Team is not happy about this. They said:

No energy units? What will we do without energy units?

The ScratchX group is looking for ways to fight back, and win.

Conspiracy Theories[]

Several conspiracy theorists have identified entities affiliated with ScratchX. Currently, Microsoft and SpaceX are confirmed to be affiliated with ScratchX and anyone working for them are high on the Scratch Team's bootleg FBI wanted list.

  • The X-Men
  • X-wing starfighters
  • Tic-tac-toe
  • Hugs and kisses
  • XOR operators
  • Apple
  • Cartoon corpses
  • Sonic X
  • Microsoft
  • Roman Numerals
  • Rock 'n' roll
  • Ninjas
  • Dracula X
  • Latinx
  • Boeing
  • Airbus
  • SpaceX
  • 𝕏


Including banned Scratchers, OVER 9000 lifeforms have supported ScratchX at least once. This has been reduced to only 500,000, and is set to half within the next millisecond if the Scratch Team is not eating cat food right now.
