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UnAnything Wiki

Samantha Stankey (born 1981) is a Moldovan Politician that happens to be the Prime Minister, and Queen of The United Brazilian

Samantha Stankey (Official image)

Kingdom. and the ruler of Sao Paulo . She also happens to be the ruler of Moldova which technically counts as a Successor Nation to Romania as Moldova seceded from Romania in 2019

Begin of her Ruthless Reign as Queen (2008- present)[]

In 2008 Princess Samantha Stankey became Queen on the eve of December 20 2008 just after the Bloodly Brazilian Divide which happened 3 days before . She was one of the dictators that wanted Independence,However She Ruled the Northern part of West Brazil that was claimed by West Brazil, Her Kingdom,and Bruzil (part of their Expansionist manifesto)

Ruler of Moldova[]

In the Prelude to the 2020 - 2024 Romanian Divide , She alongside CDI Link , The Salesman from Squid Game, Asuka Langley Soryu , and King Micheal I of Romania agreed to temporally form a united front against the corrupt Goverment of Klaus Iohannis . This event eventually erupted into the Romanian Partition in which Moldova seceded from Romania , Unfortunately after the Romanian Partition ended , East Romania broke all ties with the other Romanias and Moldova causing the Soryu Stankey Split in which East Romanian Troops attempted to invade Moldova but were repelled by North Romanian Troops .
