SMG2 is a mobster working for the Hank Gang. SMG2 is really stupid, unlike his twin brother SMG1.
SMG2 and SMG1 were both created by a giant USB in the Newgrounds world. As it turns out, SMG2 is a clone of Spudnick, but SMG1 doesn't give a shit. SMG2 and Spudnick then have many adventures, such as:
- Pissing on people.
- Pissing on MOAR people.
- Play video shames and rage quit.
Everything was okay until SMG0 kills Spudnick, causing SMG2 and SMG1 to become glitchy. SMG2 and SMG1 escaped the Newgrounds world while SMG0 was busy causing mass genocide.
SMG2 and SMG1 find the UnWorld and become hobos to hide from SMG0. However, this shitty plan FAILED, since SMG0 attacks the UnWorld and beats up SMG2, SMG1, and SMG4. However, SMG0 was defeated by Mario and Melony working together.
SMG2 and SMG1 join the Hank Gang after they got recruited. SMG2 then started going to school, even though he is 30+ years old.
- Despite being an absolute idiot, SMG2's UnRank is somehow higher than SMG1's UnRank.