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UnAnything Wiki

Strange City Design But okay...

S.S. McGlockenspiel was a space ship built by Buy And Large to carry and house the population of the Axiom When Earth was Being Cleaned up in the 29th century.


The ship after modifications (post Moana Shark death).

Geography and society[]

Out of the entire initial passengers who were set to board the Axiom, only a fraction wanted their own ship rather than be it's passengers. The idea was converted from an island nation into what would eventually become SS McGlockenspiel. It was divided into huge blocks and sections named after many things. On the ship is also a "Dup Dup" transportation system modeled on the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, with "Dup Dups" (elevators) providing service. These elevators are comparable (particularly in terms of design) to the one seen in Home Dome. Citizens made their way around in people movers. There was a decent civilization on the ship, except for one problem. The ship lacked schools.

The average IQ of the ship's inhabitants eventually plummeted, so when BnL sought to set up schools, the ship's idiots accidentally blew them up. BnL gave up and provided $10 million and one hundred people to assist the passengers in dealing with any potential idiots. This was intensified by the fact that robots kept the peace. One of the most common punishments in the ship before the Moana Shark eventually died was that if an offender broke the law to a certain extent where arrest is impossible, they would be deported out of the space ship and sent below so they could be eaten by the Moana shark.


SS McGlockenspiel lacked any kind of engine and relied entirely on the Moana Shark originally for its ability to travel through space. Like any starship, it had airlocks and sealed environments. Rapid transport from one deck to another was provided by Dup Dups, the same type of elevator found in Home Dome. Its system was modeled after the Los Angeles Country Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

Most, if not all the technology inside the ship was merely out of the mid to late 20th century with some even steampunk, such as oil street lamps that functioned thanks to the Igniters, who used the lighters on their necks to light the lamps. Old computers, phones, bicycles, clockwork robots, televisions and firearms existed and were still in use by people even three hundred years into SS McGlockenspiel’s journey.

Eventually, the ship was retrofitted with an engine and propulsion system by Blackhole Shipyards after the shark's unexpected death.


A sulking, wounded Moana Shark appeared in the trash towers as new Wall-E units were cleaning up Earth, but the Undefeatables captured it and built a ship around it. The creature had volunteered for something else, not this, but the Undefeatables did not know and enslaved it unnecessarily, torturing it by feeding it 1 nonillion Carolina Reaper Chilli Peppers, Human Fecal Matter, Diesel Fuel, and Charcoal, This Made The shark Overheat so much that with the use of a machine in the Carolina Reaper Dungeon, this sensual heat was converted into actual heat that is utilized to mimic Earth's climate within the ship. SS McGlockenspiel was to be followed by All BnL Starliners, which had a course plotted behind it before it was glitched by the rogue NaN to avoid collision with the Moon which had changed position since SS McGlockenspiel's departure.

Stupid City

A view of the skyscrapers. (Similar to Stupid City's) (Man, Buy and Large must've been in a hurry designing this ship)

The head of state was Donald Trump, also known as President Evil within the ship. Unable to stand such cruel treatment to another creature to save his people, he left orders for the government to continue running things as they were; he then erased all memory of the Moana Shark from his mind. If he ever discovered the truth again, he would be brought to the Border of Mexico to choose to erase his memory or release the Shark. President Evil's cycle of learning and forgetting the truth continued in a ten year cycle for over 300 years, due to having his "body clock" slowed to the point he didn't age for centuries by evil people who support him. Every five years, adults would be allowed to vote whether or not to free the shark; those who protested were fed to the engine room, but the engine room refused to eat children considered to have no value, because there no schools on the ship.

In 3007, the cycle was finally interrupted by the arrival of Chuck Norris and The Undefeatables. While the President believed he was being marginalized by his government and was unaware of things, he had instigated the capture of the Moana Shark and continually chose to forget having his mind wiped every time he found out; the government was still following his original orders. The Undefeatables resolved matters by convincing the President to press the button marked "Abdicate" rather than "Forget". However, this accidentally gave the captain superpowers. The Moana Shark did not abandon SS McGlockenspiel because it was stuck to the ship. With the Moana Shark no longer tortured, the ship moved faster. As The Undefeatables left, the shark began to increase speed until the ship entered a hyperjump.

In the mid 31st century the Moana Shark moving the ship died, The ships passengers were confused. As a result, the ship's captain at the time, Nora "Tanya" Albrigade, contacted Blackhole Shipyard to add extra rooms, repair the ship, construct an engine for it, and requested an inventor to desperately create a new fuel for the ship. Dipsy created a new fuel called Histofuel, the new fuel for the SS McGlockenspiel's newly installed engines, as well as the fuel (which is the same) and engines for Starship Japan.

Eventually, after the Moana shark died, the shark's body was detached from the ship and a new metal structure was built below the ship containing the engine designed by Dipsy to take in his new fuel. Among the modifications, there was also a heater that used Histofuel that was installed in the Carolina Reaper Dungeon that helped the existing heat machine. The shark was already dead at this point, thus the upgrades also included three incinerators in place of its old stomach. The voting rooms were still connected to the tubes that once led into the shark's stomach, so after the modifications, those who protested against freeing the shark were instead sent directly to the incinerators or were even just thrown out of the ship along with waste and debris released from the ship's garbage disposal.


  • Captain's Lounge
  • Control room #1 (This was the main control room until the shark died)
  • Control room #2 (this used to be an empty room until the shark died now its a room they use to pilot the ship)
  • Engine room (It used to be an incinerator and the melting room (where people were sent into for a brutal punishment) until the shark died, after the shark died the engine room now houses the engines that power the ship)
  • Guest rooms
  • Restaurants
  • Main Kitchen
  • Main Bathrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Carolina Reaper Dungeon
  • Stores
  • Houses
  • Et cetera...

Modes of transport[]

  • People Mover (Mostly buses on Rails)
  • Dup Dups (Elevators)
  • "Steelies" (Wheelless Trains)
  • "Windors" (Taxicabs on Rails)
  • "Sumilors" (Maintenance Vehicles)
  • Road Vehicles
  • "Buzzards" (Police Rail Vehicles)
  • Trains
  • Police Vehicles
  • Air Vehicles (originally this idea was abandoned)


  • It is the first BnL Starliner to be on the UnAnything Wiki.
  • The captain only had 3 rooms until the shark died, after the shark died the ship got 7 more (Captain's Lounge, Control room #1, Control room #2, Government Office, Control room #3, Captain's Bedroom) .
  • This is essentially the spaceship version of Stupid Town; hence its one of the starships on the UnAnything Wiki. Another irreparable similarity is the lack of institutions/schools.
  • Donald Trump was actually the co-pilot and President of the ship. (Evil forces made Trump immortal, ugh... Jesus Christ...)
  • The ship was originally conceptualized as an underwater cruise ship in the style of a submarine.
  • The ship originally cost 1,281,325 UnDollars to build (2009+666+2675 Undollars times 479 undollars), but it was actually half the price (640,662.5) before it was at it's current price.