The thing itself.
The Rule 63 Machine is an evil perverted machine invented by Giygas in the year 2007. Its purpose was to stop Dr. Robotnik by inverting Pingas. It is often used by The Story People to genderswap people, for story purposes, of course! And make interesting episodes NO ONE has ever thought of before.
It travelled back in time to 1997 to be the real Slim Shady.
How it works is that you lift the lid, put someone inside, and then play a note from the two rows of keys. Higher notes will swap primary and secondary sex characteristics, while lower notes will swap only primary sex characteristics. The most desirable genderswaps can usually be found on the left side of the bottom row. The Rule 63 Machine struggles with non-binary specimens like mushrooms and legendary Pokémon, and may produce strange results.
Back when Giygas was starting his empire he used to be a misogynist, think of Peter Griffin that one time in that one episode of Family Guy's second season's third disk except 10x worse. He couldn't get over the fact the Starpeople had women, and only wanted Starmen. Instead of inventing a wage gap and being cancelled on twitter.com, using his attack, or just not hating women, he came up with a great brand new spanking idea of just hiring someone to teleport them to hell or something.
So he commissioned the Engineer to go make a machine that'd banish Starwomen to The Shadow Realm using a teleporter or something. Instead of actually doing his job the Engineer made a different machine that didn't kill women. Instead of sorting starmen and starwomen, and choosing which ones would DIE, it'd just turn the ones it thought were women into a men. Huzzah, no one dies! Giygas just like someone talking for hours and hours about the sweet and the sour used the Rule 63 Machine for like 5 days to do the thing and then threw it away.
Somehow, it landed up in WaGorthan, Destroyer of Light's backyard, and threw the leftovers of some rat Mickey Mouse he had for DINNER in there, and it ended up spewing out Minnie Mouse. He thought,
and then sold it to Wario for nine THOUSAND hundred rupees and a used ahegao facemask. Wario thought
because he knew he could use this technology to make a lot of money and stuffs, but to prove it he needed a test subject to show how epic it was; this is around the time Wario threw Bowser in there and turned him into a beautiful sexy lady (at the expense of Bowser Jr. because he thought it was funny. (Maybe also the Koopalings (Maybe also the Monokoopalings.)))
This caught the attention of all the perverts, probably also Mario. And so he commissioned the Engineer to incorporate it into the Wa-Machine V3 and patented the technology so it could all be to himself.
The Rule 63 Machine is used globally in some form or another by more creeps and wierdos than ever before. You cannot escape from it.