UnAnything Wiki

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UnAnything Wiki

Not to be confused with the Zombies vs Plants OC, Rose.



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What? Is there something stuck to my face? Or...

Is it that the buns on my head look like meatballs or something?!

How very kind of you to notice! Even Snivy started making googly eyes at my hair buns the other day...

She started nibbling on them, thinking they were actual food! Silly Snivy...

Ugh, all this talk about food is making me hungry now...

What do you think the chances are that my hair buns have actually turned into meatballs without me noticing it? Hmm...

Rosa, rambling to Hugh Neutron while high on Snivy's Leaves

Rosa is a weird Pokemon Trainer who has meatballs for hair and thinks a little too much for her own kind. Don't underestimate her, though, Rosa is friggin' strong, and could probably beat Kris if she is lucky. She is brothers with Nate. another (much less famous) Pokemon Trainer.


Rosa grew up with her brother Nate and best friend Hugh Neutron, and she learned how to be a jester thanks to Hugh's love of Pie. They grew up just west of New York City, and went around doing their pranks towards guys. They had a pretty nice and peaceful life in that non-New York City City they lived in, however that's pretty boring, is it? It all began when Rosa and Hugh had their first Pokemon battle together with a couple of wooden ducks. Rosa offered some pie to the ducks, and they loved it. However, there was once one pie left, and they had to let go of it. The Pie flew off into the sunset, only to be eaten by Pi, how ironic. Rosa decided to become a full-on Pokemon trainer once she visited Jupiter and found an abandoned Snivy.

Rosa went out to New York City and traveled all over, beating the living shit out of guys that even took a glimpse at her. Rosa got pretty annoyed by this eventually, if we're being honest. Rosa has done many, many things while going around the city, ranging from being in a movie, to gaining ownership to a street in the desert, to riding a Ferris Wheel with JonTron. Rosa keeps getting random calls from a guy named Dio Brando every time she walks in very specific areas. He usually says one sentence then hangs up due to "being busy". Never knew you can prank a prankster... Rosa discovered a frozen Manhattan thanks to Kyurem and the Big Ship o' Doom, so she went on top of the ship, got questioned is she was human or not, and then defeated the guys on that boat.

Rosa went into a cave to chase Ghetsis, a random guy who ran away from the Big Ship o' Doom after they made it Asplode. Actually, Ghetsis isn't your normal random guy, he's the leader of Team Plamsa, I probably should have mentioned that earlier. He used some DNA Splicers give Kyurem a Promotion once N stupidly summoned Reshiram to try and save Rosa. Rosa made it out alive, and discovered that Ghetsis was actually a machine. We aren't sure about this info though, since an Earthworm has a Plasma Gun to my head. Rosa decided to befriend Kyurem and was given Reshiram by N.

Rosa rested for half a year, and made a very popular movie called Mystery Doors of the Magical Land, alongside becoming the champion of New York City's Pokemon League. She decided that she wasn't satisfied enough, and so she went to Route 10 to break out Hilbert and Hilda, who are her best friends now. Rosa even gave her Kyurem and Reshiram to Hilbert so they can recreate the Original Dragon, Original Kyurem. Now, Rosa and her three friends (Which I should probably call the Dragon Heroes from now on) are now up and ready in case if Team Plasma rises again or if anybody else decides to attack New York.


An idiot taking Rosa's picture a bit too low from her face, whether intentionally or not.

Rosa is quite popular now, she joined the Pokemon Version of Super Smash Bros. FAIL, and has been made pretty memorable. The following picture to the left shows an example of that. Rosa has decided to do a few more things in her current career, including dueling with The Crystal Alliance someday as well as other things, like thinking about her hair as meatballs. If you want to see her nowadays, just go to New York and mention something about fighting at the Battle Sooubway or that Nate is a poopyhead. Either way, your likely not going to see a friendly Rosa, let's be honest.


Rosa may seem like a chill lady at first, but trust me when I say this, Rosa is one crazy Motherfucker. She is the brains of the pranks with her brother (Nate is the brawn), and Rosa will know how to kick your ass better than you yourself. Rosa has equal power to Hilbert. Rosa likes dressing up as whatever, one that she likes dressing up as is a Princess. She wears a swimsuit instead of underwear too, don't ask. Please.


Rosa is adjacent to Hilbert, according to how equal-opposite him and her are.

Player characters [ / ]
Ash Ketchum - Leaf - Chase - Elaine - Ethan - Kris - Lyra - Brendan - May - Leonardo DiCaprio - Dawn - Hilbert - Hilda - Nate - Rosa - Calem - Serena - Elio - Sailor Saturn - Vicky - Scottish Pokemon Trainer - Reimu Hakurei - AkaRed - Prince Florian - Juliet
Pokegirls [ / ]
Misty - May - Dawn - Iris - Serena - Lillie - Chloe - Liko
The Poker - Rokit - Meowth - Buzz Lightyear - Mario Head - Wario - Waluigi - Brock - Mega Man - Swiper
Team Plasma [ / ]
N - Ghetsis - Grover - Brody Foxx - Ron - Z - Giant Poop Koopa - Ryu - Colress - Shadow - Earthworm Jim
Phillip II - Mary I - Katy - Brassius - Iono - Kofu - Larry - Ryme - Tulip - Grusha - Rika - Poppy Lovegood - Hassel - Geeta - Allister - Skyla - Sabrina - Salina