Nathaniel William Adams also known as Rock is Captain 77's partner in crime as such they're considered to be the mist assassins of Unanything but before we can get into that we need to go over his history.
Before meeting Captain 77[]
Born in A SHITHOLE Young Rock was raised by his rich family that collects rare weapons. Nathaniel would gain the name Rock for his immense strength and power and everything was fine until his father bid on the soul edge on a secret auction. Then a evil dead pirate showed up killed his parents and sunk the ship he would then show up on an island and became a damn native american learning the language and trying to join a tribe sadly none of them didn't want him because he was white. He would later befriend an apache boy named Bangoo who lost his parents due to tribal warfare and by this time he would become a father figure to this young boy. He would fight evil and save Bangoo on a daily basis with an axe but had to switch to a mace as astaroth copied his whole fucking flow and soon he left the island and went to the unworld immediately getting attacked by Armored Captain's Anti-Crime Clan over him wearing a rhinos pelt on his fucking head but they were manhandled and soloed by him and then he would meet his new friend and partner in crime Captain 77
Meeting Captain 77[]
After meeting him 77 told him that the captains are evil greedy bastards and they need to become a team. Rock accepts and thus the Deadly combo was created and he and 77 would go on crazy adventures and destroy things that were owned by The Legion of Captains and as such they both became wanted criminals and they hide out in the forest in a random cabin to escape capture from the captains. At this time we don't know where rock is but we might know what they're planning but we'll just have to wait and find out what those 2 devils are gonna do to the Unsociety and the Unworld. Well we just found out they killed and brutalized Captain 18