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UnAnything Wiki

The Roblox Elmoes are a race of crazy Elmo clones made to kill. The Roblox Elmoes were first created by Elmo himself.


A typical Roblox Elmo's appearance consists of a red-coloured Roblox man, the reason why they resemble Lego men. It has Elmo's face on the head, which is orange for some reason, with the recognisable googly eyes and nose, and the word "elmo" surrounding its head. The insides of its limbs are tan-coloured.


Roblox Elmoes are spawned into Elmo City by their leader Emperor Elmo with the power of duplication. Some sort of Roblox Elmo in a neutral state is kept somewhere to be duplicated, spawned into a location and activated.


  • Roblox Elmoes have increased stamina and speed, allowing them to get around Elmo City quicker. This enables them to locate their victims quicker.
  • Roblox Elmoes have some sort of aura that just makes entities take damage if they're next to them. This means that, in packs, they're able to effectively kill their pray.

These two abilities make them a fast-moving menace.

  • Additionally, they can follow a target from an infinite amount of miles away.


  • During the "Vs. The Dig-Its" war in 2009 lead by Emperor Elmo, around 12500 Roblox Elmoes successfully invaded Dig-It Land and killed around 600 Dig-Its. This forced the Dig-Its to surrender.


  • Despite being clones of Elmo, Roblox Elmoes are genderless for some reason.
    • Maybe Elmo knows why. It may be something to do with them having robotic traits, which may not even mean they're living. Or maybe they were designed without gender in mind.
  • One of the Roblox Elmoes' main weaknesses are Splaat Bombs. It instantly makes their limbs detach from their body and makes them fly everywhere. Two seconds after that, they die.
  • Whenever they are murdered, the Roblox Elmoes enjoy yelling the ejaculation of "OOF!" upon their demise.
  • By using Kirby's Redmobile, they are fairly easy to kill.


Elmo City Universe[ / ]
Locations [ / ]
Elmo City - Appliance Avenue - The Big Blue Treehouse - Old Elmo City Road
Elmœs [ / ]
Appliance Avenue Members [ / ]
Pat - Turner - Felipe - Squeeze - Rusty - Stretch - Toaster - Dusty - Kirby - Flicker - Jack - Spinner - Pinzas - Beamer - Lily - Lefty - Junior - Zip - Sneeze - Ticks - Totts - Roland - Lampy - Radio - Blanky - Mr. Pat - Mrs. Pat - Police
Other Guys [ / ]
Events [ / ]