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UnAnything Wiki
Riddle School Logo

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Riddle School is a video shame series than came from Newgrounds. The series was by some guy named Jonochrome, who is stupid enough to think that "originality is overrated". After Riddle Transfer 2 was created, Jonochrome turned out to be a Pedo Bear all along, so he was sent to WaJail, and the Blocky Bunch stole ownership of the Riddle School series ever since.


The Riddle School series are point-and-click shames which is like Pico School, but less violent. You play as Phil Eggtree, and you need to solve riddles in order to beat the shame, which usually ends with escaping UnSchool.


  • Riddle School
    • The first Riddle School shame, where Phil escapes school.
  • Riddle School 2
    • The second shame, where Phil goes to middle school.
  • Riddle School 3
    • The third shame, but Phil's in high school now, and there's MOAR riddles than the previous two shames.
  • Riddle School 4
    • Phil DIES. That's the entire shame.
  • Riddle School 5
    • As it turns out, Riddle School 2-4 were a dream, and now Phil must escape from Aliens.
  • Riddle Transfer
    • Phil wakes up in Area 51, so he escapes by entering the sewers.
  • Riddle Transfer 2
    • This is the worst Riddle School shame due to its extremely overrated ending.
  • Riddle Transfer 3
    • This shame is known for retconning Riddle Transfer 2's ending. Also, this is the first shame in the series that wasn't made by the original creator, who is locked up in WaJail for obvious reasons.
  • Riddle School 9
    • Phil goes to middle school... for real this time.