A box of Rick Rolls.
Rick Rolls are an obvious rip off of the Twinkie that was made by the music god Rick Astley. They were first invented in 1916 by the name Choco Rolls in order to piss off the enemy in World War One. After the war was over, Rick Rolls were renamed in 1987 and sold in stores throughout the world just to annoy potential customers. Rick Rolls are despised by all who do not worship Rick Astley.
They are also used on the internet to...you guessed it! Rickroll people!
Why Do People Hate Rick Rolls?[]
There is a simple reason why people hate Rick Rolls. Every time Somebody takes a bite out of a Rick Roll, Rick Astley appears from nowhere and starts rickrolling them using the song Never Gonna Give You Up. Despite all efforts, nothing can get rid of Rick Astley until you finish eating the Rick Roll. The chocolate Rick Rolls are even worse, for they summon three (get it, three!) Rick Astleys to sing the song.
Protip: Give up your rick rolls, let them down and run around deserting them. While going to your friends house to get an AK-47 to turn these into swiss cheese. That way you'll have something that tastes like Cheese and not Rick Rolls.
How to kill them?[]
If you want to kill Rick Rolls, too bad. As long as the internet exists, which is forever, there is no way to get rid of them. Some people say that they can, but they are lying, because they are stupid. The best way to try to get rid of them is to ignore them, or just vibe to the music.