Oh, thank Norris I won this stupid thing!
—Richard, after winning in a shame
"Richard Skyblue" is a member of the Advanced Blue Workers working in the Satellite Station and Fortress Flamewar. He lives in the Elite Dorm 2 in the first bed on the right. Like other Teletubbies, he is a humanoid with large round ears and a stout chubby body. Unlike most Teletubbies, however, most blue workers lack an antenna. Richard is known for his work in the Trinate-Primal Project with rogue BBC members, which he then betrays them and tells on them. He works with the Grand Tubby Government a lot more than normal tubbies and is a part of the Advanced Blue Workers, which do more dangerous work with better gear and knowledge than most Blue Workers. He sometimes reads, mostly the book Run Away From Home And Die and never tasted Nutella because not tasting it also pisses Azure Blue for some reason. He also watches World War II documentaries on TubbyTV with Austin Blue and he is in the Elite Training Course for 8 days straight after Teo Blue said "lul nub" to his problem in a shame. It was ironically a glitch he found out 2 days ago. He is also the rival and best friend of Austin Blue. His favorite shame is Call of Ducky: UnAdvanced Warfare, and he can kill everyone faster than The Guardian saying "azkaban azkaban azkaban she sells seasells on the sea shore" perfectly 9 times.