UnAnything Wiki

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UnAnything Wiki
W.D. Gaster

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W.D. Gaster

Please help us out by making this page fruitful and multiply. (Genesis 1:22)

Fridge man

He is so MENACYNG.


Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy

Beware when you hear this theme...

The Refrigerator Man is the man behind a face of evil who plays the accordion. If you hear traditional Russian music do not fear, the refrigerator man is here. The refrigerator man appears in refrigerators. He can transfer and swap refrigerators, as refrigerators are his dominion. He is a jolly fellow, however, if it is the buttcrack of dawn and you begin to hear the de_train radio theme playing, follow these 4 steps in order:

  1. Do not arm yourself. He is impervious to your puny weapons. And it will only slow you down.
  2. If you are home, leave your house immediately. If not run home.
  3. Hide. Do not call the cops, he will hear you.
  4. Survive the night.

If you've done those things properly, the the Refrigerator man will not harm you and become docile, no longer wishing to harm you with his evil themes will exit fromst the refridgerator from whence he came. You may not hear him for a while, but this isn't the end of him. Before he leaves is your chance to take revenge! He doesn't like new music, and is very weak to NEDM Song. Arm yourself with a radio and start blasting it. He will leave anyways but be very annoyed at you and will never want to come again.

However if you've not done those 4 steps... may Godzilla have mercy on your soul.
