UnAnything Wiki

What is UnAnything? UnAnything is a humor wiki that's been running for over a decade. Want to edit? Read the rules, because your edits won't be saved unless you follow the instructions within. But if you're just curious about us, you can read the guide. Be sure to also check out our Discord! Have fun!


UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki

The average Redditor.

Redditors are people with accounts on Reddit.


Most Redditors have the appearance of fat Humans. They are often seen wearing an type of hat known as a "fedora", and they have a thick line of facial hair which covers their neck and chin, hence another name to call them, "Neckbeards". It is not rare to see them wearing glasses. However, some just look like normal guys; these are called "Normal Redditors".


All Redditors, despite vast differences in behavior across the site, are actually telepathically linked together. This allows them to utilize Clown-to-Clown communication, creating a massive telepathic network of information spanning the UnOmniverse, called the "Reddit Hivemind". However, most of this information is actually just dumb statements that they keep repeating and overused unfunny memes. The Normal Redditors, however, are not connected to the Reddit Hivemind and can think freely. At least, that's what they say...

Redditors also seek validation from likes on their posts in a system called "Karma". Redditors become severely depressed when their posts give them "bad Karma", so most Redditors opt to join in to the collective ethos, opting to make noncontroversial, apolitical, agreeable posts, rather than to take any risk. This adverseness in risk-taking can also be seen in the Real World, as an FTC report makes evident the correlation between being a Redditor and not getting a raise.

Behavior based on subreddit[]

Redditors are members of communities called "subreddits", which are basically places for them to talk about some topic. Here is a list of behaviors of Redditors based on various subreddits.

  • r/funny: Has absolutely no sense of humor.
  • r/memes: Makes unfunny memes.
  • r/dankmemes: Makes better memes than r/memes, but the only people who laugh are probably them.
  • r/Animemes: The unfunniest beings in the UnOmniverse. Dr. Eggman has actually developed a weapon harnessing their unfunniness, but nobody knows how it works.
  • r/AskReddit: Only goes there so they can post their dumb questions without getting laughed at.
  • r/politics: Thinks they are good at debating because they downvoted someone of their opposite political ideology.
  • r/fuckcars: Stupidly thinks cars should be eradicated from history. Some are smart and can give civil solutions though.
  • r/redditmoment: Hates Reddit. We don't know why they still use it.
  • r/UnanythingWiki: The only truly cool Redditors!!! Praise the UnAnything Wiki!!! Actually, this one isn't cool and is dead.
  • r/Omegachan: Posts memes aka anime images with captions of how schizophrenic, bipolar, suicidal, and severely depressed they are.


Once a person decides to create a Reddit account, they become a Redditor. This can easily be reverted by deleting their account or logging out, but due to Reddit's addictive nature, it is hard to do. However, there is a rare chance they become a Normal Redditor instead.

Notable Redditors[]
