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UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki
Red Bull suit

A image of the RBS

The Red Bull suit was a ripoff of a spacesuit made by Red Bull for Hitler's clone so that he could jump out of a spaceship and parachute to the ground. It is in possession of the Teletubbies after they took it from the Telotubs which in turn took it from the Red Bull


The Red Bull suit was made for Hitler’s clone so that he could jump out of a space ship and fall to earth and use a parachute to slow him down and land safely. They originally thought of using a jet pack to slow his fall but parachutes were less expensive. Then it was put in storage for 12 years until the Telotubs stole it from the Red Bull HQ. They it fell into possession of the Teletubbies and they Modified it so that it would meet there standards.


  • The suit is consisted of 4 layers. The outermost is made of insulated stuff
  • A chest pack, used to monitor stuff and play music
  • A disposable parachute, opened by pushing a handle
  • A disposable backup parachute, also opened by pushing another handle
  • A microphone, used to make calls
  • A jet pack
  • A radio system that plays Dubstep and other loud music that can damage non Teletubby ears
  • A tank that is filled with Tubby Custard and Tubby Toast, so that the user can eat
  • OVER 9000 other features that are just to boring to mention
  • A modified helmet with a bulletproof glass visor used for protection and to accommodate the Teletubbies’ antennae
  • An air tank, used for breathing in space or in deadly air
  • A scuba tank

The RBS today[]

Today the Teletubbies now repainted it to have the Teletubby Logo on it. Most of the time, it used to collect the ingredients for Tubby Custard, which are located in the Extremely deadly Teletubby Land Acid Lake.
