Rambamboo. What a stupid name for an even worse woman. She's the reason why You aren't going outside, why Farmees was abruptly cancelled after 9 episodes, and why Discovery Kids is what it is today.
She's a "police officer", but calling that her is a bit of a stretch, because her actual occupation is "torturing people within 1 inch of her presence and somehow getting away with it".
She was originally made by Starfire to eliminate Summer for once, but due to another quirk of her programming, she... well... you already know where this is going.
Victims of Rambamboo[]
- Starfire
- Sway3po
- Freddy Fazbear
- Miga
- Maggie Pesky
- Serena
- PaRappa the Raper
- Everyone that has eaten Dipsy Doodles
- Telmo and Tula
- Wubbzy
- The entire cast of Mario Tag
- King Dedede
- Pingu
- The PETA staff (though probably for good reason)
- Matroyshka Miku
- All the Koopalings
- Scientist-San
Failed attacks[]
- Summer Hugglemonster
- Jack Frost
- The Teletubbies
- Chuck Norris
- Your Mom (Because she was too fat)
Facts about Rambamboo[]
- She has totally normal and not erotic at all "fan art" on the internet.
- The Angry Video Game Nerd hates her.
- She's from a completely cancerous show on Nickelodeon called Breadlosers.
- Her name sounds like Ran Ran Ruu.
- She rams vehicles into bamboo, as her name suggests.
- She has a crush on Lucario for some reason.