Rainbowitis (Alternatively spelled rainbow-itis) is a viral infection that can infect any living thing that exists. It is most well known for turning any victims of the virus the colors of the rainbow. There are two types of rainbowitis. Rainbowitis is classified as a Class 3 Dangerous Disease in the Squadala Empire. We don't know what that means though.
Types of Rainbowitis[]
Type 1[]
Type 1 Rainbowitis is a common sickness and is considered on par with the common cold or the flu. It can only be caught by being around someone who has Type 1 Rainbowitis or has been around rainbow flowers. It develops instantly and is often accompanied by dizziness and vomiting.
Type 2[]
Type 2 Rainbowitis is considered extremely deadly. It is only caught when you get poisoned and/or bitten by a full grown rainbow flower, whose bodies serve as a host for the Rainbowitis virus. When a certain group of type 2 Rainbowitis victims were interviewed about why they willingly jumped into a pile of rainbow flowers, they said that they were trying to prove that the virus wasn't real. It is often accompanied by sneezing, coughing, organs falling out for no reason, and death.
Signs and Symptoms[]
An early on symptom, regardless of the type, is skin that starts to dimly glow in rainbow hues. Aching muscles, headache and low-grade fever also signal the presence of the disease.
Rainbowitis Treatment[]
Type 1[]
Type 1 Rainbowitis usually wears off about fifteen to twenty days later. A Shawt (not to be confused with shot) can make it go away faster, but they hurt.
Type 2[]
Sadly, type 2 Rainbowitis is not curable unless you take OVER 9000 shawts (again, not to be confused with shot).
- Do not go near Rainbow Flowers or be in contact with someone who has been around them without a mask, gloves and a bazooka.
- Use Coke and Mentos to get rid of any dangerous wild buds you suspect inhabit your lawn and/or garden.
- Set fire to the entire object/person/property so it does not spread.