Rainbow Dash is an evil pony thing.
It lived Ponyville and kept winning sports with her wings until one of her weird pony friends, Pinkie Pie got sick of her bragging and got revenge. One night, Pinkie snuck into her room while she was sleeping and cut off her wings and ate them. The next morning she realized her wings were gone, so he ordered a new pear and said she needed new wings anyway. Then Pinkie commited sucide. Then she disided to become a space marine.
Life as a Space Marine[]
She went into space with the other marines to fight Aliens. She did a good job until one day. The Marines were sent to destroy The Queen but they all died but Rainbow. Rainbow Dash grabbed a pulse rifle and jumped into
the power loader to fight her. The Queen stabbed her with its tail but she opened the air lock and it flew out. After that she quit.
In the hospital she found that the Queen had put a chest burster in her which burst out of her chest and killed her. The result was the Ponymorph