Shiver me timbers!
Rage Guy is too angry to realize he's getting sucked up by the King K. Rool Cannon!
Shiver me timbers!
Rage Guy is too angry to realize he's getting sucked up by the King K. Rool Cannon!
Rage Guy is a hater form of someone or something when something that they expect goes terribly wrong. It is very common when something goes terribly wrong, and never ever make a Rage Guy even angrier, or else he will kill you for real. He also is a descendent of the Angry German Kid and it's his fault for creating such a menice to our society like that. He is OVER 9000 times more dangerous than WaWaWaWaTinky-Winky and WaDaisy. He is also badly drawn in Microsoft Paint. By the way, anyone who gets in his way WILL BE SHOT ON SIGHT!