Raditz is Goku's long lost brother, and is in Dragon Ball Zee. Before this, he was killed because he was a villain, but now he’s a good guy. He has two shames based on his adventures, Raditzmon Red and Raditzmon Gold.
Raditz was revived by his dad Bardock and told him to apologize for kidnapping his grandson. Raditz apologizes to his dad, and promises to be good. But first, he needs to restart the trio so they can do a little conquest in Gensokyo. He gets the boys (aka Vegeta and Nappa) and they go to Gensokyo to do a little trolling, but all 3 were attacked by the combined powers of Marisa and Reimu. They realized that youkai are too strong, so they travel to the Pokémon dimension to have fun instead of committing trolling. Vegeta sadly thinks that Pokémon is fucking gay as hell, so he leaves them, thus it's just Nappa and Raditz now. They both decide to spend all the Zeni on Pokéballs and other shit.
Raditz: The Pokémon Master[]
Raditz begins his quest to be the very best that no one ever was, so he goes New York City aka Unova to become the greatest Pokémon Master. He catches his first Pokémon: a Snivy that he names Navie, and proceeds to train his new Snivy, continuing his plan. He then catches the remainder of the team "The Raditz Force", which consisted of a Gengar, a Eevee, a Metagross, a Gallade, and a Jigglypuff. He evolves the Eevee into a Jolteon because he remembers that turning it into a Vaporeon will summon Lunks. He continued his journey to become the best, beating gym after gym, rolling rolling rolling rolling each one. That was, until he fought Rosa, whose Pokémon put up a bigger threat than all the other gym leaders combined. He prevailed. He also became friends with her. He then chokeslammed every Team Plasma grunt he saw in a 5 meter radius until he took on The Elite Four. Raditz took them all on and with ease he did it he became a Pokémon champion, but he wasnt done. He was gonna become the champ in all the regions.