These tiny little, ugly mugs are called Purple Pi. They are microscopic creatures that live inside teachers, or anywhere that there is math. They burrow into the brain and give the teachers lobotomies, making them lame and stupid.
Purple Pi are found in areas with high concentrations of math. In fact, they may be growing on your math homework right now! They die when exposed to high concentrations of letters (except for algebra). Once a purple pi infects you, you must run to the nearest computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet and type "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog(e)(s)" for 4 hours then the purple pi's are dead. Near- or true Undefeatables infect purple pi, turning them into miniature versions of themselves.
Places where purple pi are found[]
- Number Island
- Schools
- Khan Academy
Victims of Purple Pi[]
- Norton the Dog
- All members of 1234567890
- Every teacher in the world
- Numberjacks