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UnAnything Wiki


Power levels are measurements of power that tells us how powerful someone is, and is something measured by devices such as multimeters or Scouters. Power levels are ranked on a scale that goes from 0 to , with low numbers indicating weakness and high numbers indicating strength.

In many ways power levels are similar to an UnRank, in that they both can measure strength, however unlike an UnRank, power levels are not tied to someone's strength of character. Instead they are a measure of someone's pure combat power. This makes them helpful at comparing the guys' abilities and determining who's more likely to win fights.

Power levels can also increase with the acquisition of new powers or with training. Substances like Super Stars or Icosahedrons can transcend your power level easily; boosts of any kind are reflected on the Scouter too. It's important to re-examine power levels frequently to ensure their accuracy.

List of Power Levels[]

  • UNDER -9000! Very very weak people like WaVegeta. It's unknown how negatives can occur.
  • 0-20: Humans who don't have power.
  • 21-332: Cracked up guys who are supah strong (or are literally thunderstorms).
  • 333-999: Dudes on steroids or antibiotics.
  • 1000-9000: Guys with a degree in beating people up.
  • OVER 9000! Unstoppable warriors (unless someone has moar power than them).

After 9000, people usually just rely on UnRank instead because "OVER 9000" isn't really that helpful. Some specialized Scouters don't have this issue of capping off at 9000, but these are exceptionally rare.


  • Before the Scouter was invented, people loved saying "my power level is bigger than yours!".
  • People have tried to measure the power level of Chuck Norris, only to end up with their heads exploding instead.
  • Not many people have a power level OVER 9000, but there's some who do like the Dragon Ball Z Guy.