Dink dink donk dink donk donk dink...
—Ping and Pong, passing a ball
Pong is the first "shame" ever, made years ago by an unknown person. It is only available on the first shaming system and an Arcade Machine.
In the Real World it was made sometime in the 1970s.
Pong, as you might assume, is a virtual ping-pong simulator, therefore it has the same rules. You hit the ball past your opponent’s paddle to earn points. Yeah, that’s it.
Being the first shame, and with noting else to compare it to, people enjoyed Pong very much for a long time until 4AM.
Competitive Scene[]
Back when Pong came out there was nothing really like it, so people had a lot of time to play that one and only shame. And thus it gained a competitive scene. People would use all sorts of techniques to become the best Pong players. They even figured out weird glitches in the code of the shame to pull off all sorts of crazy crap.
- Paddle Cancelling was some bizarre technique you could pull off to make the ping-pong ball go in a straight line if you hit it from a weird angle, as well as by mashing buttons.
- Wish Glitching was a strange technique where you could give yourself a free point and immediately ending the round by simply wishing for it hard enough. It's very hard to pull off consistently. Even in high-level shames, it was only pulled off like once by each player during the match. No-one has ever pulled off a wish glitch more than once during a match.
- The Skeleton Easter Egg was a weird easter egg that seemed to appear as a result of some strange personalisation ala the Wario apparition from Super Mario 64. That's right folks, Pong managed to beat it to the punch almost 20 years prior. Interpreting Up as 0 and Down as 1, if the player were to input the digits required to spell out SKELETON in ASCII binary, a Skeleton called Jarquavius would pause the current round and jump on screen to split the ball into three balls. Just like in real life, you could net yourself additional points with these balls. This handy trick saw a lot of usage in competitive play.
In 1978 the first Pong Championship was held, featuring a tournament-style bracket format. The winner of the event was Chuck Norris because he decided to attend. He wiped out anyone he was matched up against, including his rival at the very end, a random kid called Billy. Billy cried that day.