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UnAnything Wiki

best shame of century

Pokémon Wack is an obscure Pokémon shame made by an employee of the Pokémon Company who felt that the Pokémon series needed to have shames with good stories and insane difficulty and substantially longer shameplay and far more Pokémon. This shame... it is legendary. Life changing. It brings a whole new perspective on the meaning of life that will change how you see the world.

Released solo on the Shame Boi Advance at the wrong time during 2001, it was doomed to fail because the shame featured terrorist attacks and cosmic horrors and Mega Nazis. It also received no marketing for obvious reasons. The shame gained a cult following, though.

This shame features Pokémon fans' most favorite Pokémon without them realizing it.

Features List[]

Shameplay-Plot Summary[]

Pokémon Wack Episode 1: Humble Beginnings[]

Before the shame starts, you are greeted by Professor Not Oak, the Pokémon professor. You're a boy even if you choose girl or other options. Not Oak tells you to be careful in the Wack Region, it's filled with weird people who marry their Pokémon.

After that nonsense, you wake up and go downstairs and you look in the mirror. You're an idiot with a red hat, white hat, propellor hat, or no hat because you are spaghetti. You grab your things and choose not to get a Pokémon after your mom tells you to please leave the house. You leave Wack Town, and a Pokémon jumps out of some tall grass, but you have no Pokémon, so you just die (seriously?! you got dead by a piece of paper!?). You respawn and get a Pokémon from Not Oak's house. You chose Steamin because it is objectively the best one. You get revenge on that Pagie and your Steamin gained XP and learned the move Piracy.

Zaydolf & the Juvites[]

On the route you killed the Pagie, a random idiot named Zaydolf (who is not based on anyone) challenges you to a battle. He throws out an Electrike named Blondo and an Artsy, a literal paintbrush, named Zaydolf's Career. Your Steamin kills both of them so easily because he is just more evolved even though he is just level 6. Zaydolf gives you no money.

You move on after the battle and go into Glacie City, a peculiarly snowy place, where some guys known as Team Juvite make an announcement to tell the inhabitants to keep buying their stuff and thanks the citizens for buying their stuff and they hope you are buying their stuff because their stuff is on the JD Power top quality index. The Juvite Team leaves and Zaydolf wonders what those guys are up to because he senses that buying their stuff is bad. Anyway, you challenge the gym for the first time and FAIL. This is because the gym leader Crost has an Obamasnow that he obtained by illegal means. You try again and FAIL. This repeats OVER 9000 TIMES until your Steamin evolves into Steamer and kills Crost's Pokémon, netting you the Frost Badge. You leave Glacie City in record pace.

Fancy Food Urban Area[]

You go past Route 2 and the Seaside Village, but you are interrupted by that stupid Zaydolf after the checkpoint connecting the village and Gourmet City. This time, Zaydolf fights you with Blondo, Zaydolf's Career, and a Wackian Rufflet named EEEVIL BIRDDD!!! He FAILs again. Zaydolf wonders about Team Juvite because there's a Juvite Mart over to the right, and he buzzes off to beat the gym. You do too, and you beat the gym leader Lomar on your first try and get the Pizza Badge, good for you.

After leaving the city to go north into a desert, the Unplanned Demolition Company rampages the city, leveling it in just 5 seconds. Everyone DIED. You feel lucky that you are safe from that until Tyrantrum himself starts running after you.

Team Wack Is Known[]

You go into the Ankh Ruins of the Ankh Desert to escape Tyrantrum and find some Team Wack buffoons who want to fight you. You end those guys, and you continue to fight even more grunts. It was a long journey, but you made it to the end and find a smoking hot, lady of your dreams Team Wack Administrator bimbo named Eva (who is not based on anyone). She tells you that the purpose of Team Wack is to destroy the greedy and inferior Team Juvite, but you couldn't even give a Turtonator because you were freaking Onix-ing at that Cloyster! She challenged you to a battle while you set up a romantic table setting. Your Steamer fought off her Baifre named Famine, an infectious disease Pokémon, Buzzjaw named penis killer, a fuzzy buzzsaw moth, and Radien named Based Economy, a nuclear slime. After the battle, she swore she would return, but before she could run off, you put on some romantic music and sat at the table, engaging a dating simulator thing. Your powerful charisma is able to charm the bimbo Admin into agreeing to go on another date when you guys meet up again.


How read?? Where picture of Eva???

This guy is a pervert. Do not add pictures to satisfy his distorted desires.


How read?? Where picture of Eva???


This guy is a pervert. Do not add pictures to satisfy his distorted desires.


Bowser Joins the Battle[]

You walk out of the Ankh Desert and into Side Town, a little place that is an important economic junction in this part of Wack Region. You barge into some random person's house and look into his fridge to find a Bowser, who is not a Dragon type. You named him Bowsmann and gave him an Eviolite because he has thicc stats that get worse when he evolves.

You go to the west and decimate Route 4 with bowsa. You go into the Misty Cavern and get a Kirlia and a Hattrem because you know something about this shame, don't you? Yeah, you do! Also, because you know something about this shame, you go back to Glacie City to find a Pokémon called Lusfairy. It's like an Igglybuff type thing.

The Original Sin Town[]

You go into Latex Town and go into the Juvite Mart to fight some Team Juvite girl named Anne (who is not based off of anyone). She had Hompuff, an Eevee, and a Gible, but your Steamer and Bowsmann killed em all. From that battle your Steamer evolved into a Steamboatle. Where'd he get the boat? No one knows.

Anyway, you go to the Latex Gym to fight gym leader Claire (who is not flying type). The trainers wear latex suits and everyone's a girl except for Super Nerd Larry. You reach Claire after spending hours in the invisible maze, and you kill her Tiroar, a dragon wheel, Rubberfly, the grossest fly EVAR, and Ballooneon, an eevee balloon, and Rubbero, a Dragonballz character, (just the pinnacle of Pokémon naming) and get the Rubber Badge.

After that, you go back to the Juvite Mart after remembering that there was a downstairs you fought the girl in, and you find a guy who's Super Nerd Coomer, and he's... well, you know, gonna do it. So, he throws out his super over leveled Slut Hatterene and Whoredevoir, but they are fragile and die immediately to the Bowsmann's blast. Defeated, Coomer gives you the Coom Stone, an evolution stone of coomplete sin. You have two Pokémon, but one stone, so you use your coom strength to split the thing in two for your Hattrem and Kirlia. Your Hattrem evolves into a Slut Hatterene, the SummerMommy Pokémon, and Whoredevoir, the Embrace Pokémon, like a Gardevoir, but a different kind of embrace. Egad, I'd describe those Pokémon designs, but that would be too hot for UnAnything. Anyway, how are you going to explain this to Eva? You got two busted Pokémon, one of them being literally 14 feet and 5 inches tall with humungogoglongas bigger than Eva's! Like, they aren't even good Pokémon in this shame! They are so freaking slow and DIE to one hit every time!

Anyway, you go back to Side Town.


Add Pictures of SummerMommy Pokémon and Embrace Pokémon pls

This guy is perverted. Do NOT add pictures to satisfy his wonky wishes.


Add Pictures of SummerMommy Pokémon and Embrace Pokémon pls


This guy is perverted. Do NOT add pictures to satisfy his wonky wishes.


Zombies, but Pokémon[]

You go through Route 5, battling Crush Girl Ballbuster and Crush Girl Nutcracker who attempt to squeeze your testicles, but FAIL due to Bowsmann protecting you. Those girls are one of many sightseeing things on this Route. There is a cruise ship stuck in a canyon that goes into a bottomless pit. Mark Zuck is a policeman here. And that is it. You go to Romero City when it is nighttime, so zombies attack you just to annoy you. One of the zombies drops her Rubber Gloves onto your Lusfairy and it evolved! How convenient! You wonder what it'll evolve into, actually, you already know. The Lusfairy evolved into Domineko, the Pokémon that will eat random peoples' souls using torture. You love it, don't you?

Now you have to defeat Vlad who uses Zombie type Pokémon. Vlad sends out his Tutterfly, a flying thing wrapped in toilet paper, and it dies to Bowsmann immediately. In fact, Bowsmann solos this gym, but you just had to throw in your Slut Hatterene that you named Mommy, you fricking idiot. Vlad's Frankenspook, an electric zombie, then uses Swords Dance while Mommy uses Censored by Fandom which does barely any damage, and then she gets killed. You send out Domineko?? Just use Browser! Domineko used Latex Lash, a super effective move! Surprising that you actually knew that considering all of the types in this shame. Vlad sends out Vampask, a bat thing that can easily kill Domineko, but it's okay, it's weak to Grease and you're a greasy crap head so your presence just killed Vampask. Vlad sends out Rotteon, Eevee zombie, and it's an eeveelution, so it just dies to Domineko. Vlad sends out Chillzie, a zombie with ice on it. It mega evolved, giving it ludicrous speed, but through complete luck, it missed and then died to your Domineko because it has really bad defense stats.

You won! Now you got the Skull Badge. Now get out of here!


Add image of Domineko pleeeze?

This dude makes no ham sense! Under no circumstances should you add pictures to complete his zoophilic zalacity!


Add image of Domineko pleeeze?


This dude makes no ham sense! Under no circumstances should you add pictures to complete his zoophilic zalacity!



You go to Route 6 and then to Surfin City, a city whose purpose is to take you to the Seaside Cavern, a super long tunnel infested with Team Wack and Juvite grunts. You kill all of their stupid Pokémon with your stupid Pokémon and meet Team Wack Admin Zyklon (who is not based on anything) who says that Team Juvite's economic prosperity is a result of stupid pee pee poo poo nonsense, and it must be stopped. The idiot challenges you to a battle. He sent out Creeposs, a Not a Creeper Pokémon, Saplom, a sand tree thing, Wackian Deino, a tank dragon, Behemist, a steampunk mammoth, and a little Carkol. All the stuff dies to Bowsmann and Zyklon has to run away.

You get out the cave to Route 7 where Anne the Juvite challenges you to a battle with her evolved Pokémon. She sends out her Cummunculus, the cloud magic Pokémon, named Cumthing, Gabite, Staryu, and Frequenceon, the sound eevee thingy. Your Pokémon are too strong for her Pokémon, so you won and got money.

Synth Sonic[]

You surf to Synth City and challenge the stupid gym. But this gym is a special gym, you see, you have two paths to choose, one is hyper offense, and the other is hyper defense. It doesn't matter which one you choose, both paths are easy. You get to the stupid gym leader Duette who has bipolar disorder and wanted to be a Glass and Plastic gym. You challenge her, she sends out Phantoy, a ghost lego, Grasstacles, grass glass, Bottle'O'Drake, a stupid dragon got his head stuck in a glass bottle, Shatterate, an annoying shattered karate man who keeps hurting your Pokémon with his fricking Rough Skin, and Synthite. They all die because of Steamboatle being epic this time. You got the Plasticglass Badge because you are so cool.

You leave and go to Upgrade Cave to the west.

Super Nerd Cave[]

Upgrade Cave is a super-duper long cave, so you pack a bunch of repels and go in killing all of the other trainers' Pokémon. You encounter Zaydolf at the end of the cave who has been totally enjoined with Team Wack and tells you that Team Juvite's evil will be put to a stop, and he tests your power with just his evolved Zaydolf's Career, Blondo, and not EEEVIL BIRDDD!!! So, it was an easy battle. Zaydolf knows you aren't convinced from his sayings, so he goes away to iCity.

iCity, uCity[]

You get to iCity, a city owned by Team Juvite or something, and then you go to the iGym, whose leader is Jeeve Stobs (who is not based on anyone). You make sure to not get softlocked on your way to Jeeve. You kill all of the other trainers' Pokémon with relative ease and make it to Jeeve without getting softlocked on the conveyers. You challenge the guy, and he sends out Hoverot, a flying camera bot, Fridigor, a fridge, Jetcraft, a bird airplane, Robox, the robo box, and then a mega Hoverot. They all get error notifications because Steamboatle ripped them a new one. You got the Badge Badge. It's like an iPhone.

After leaving the iGym, a Juvite guy on a speaker advises everyone in iCity to stay home and lock their doors, because Team Wack's in town trying to steal their souls.

Team Wack have invaded Juvite Corps, so you have to go there and battle literally everyone there, even the waitress. You get to the place and Anne makes sure you are ready to do stuff by battling you. She sends out Cumthing, Garchomp, Frequenceon, and Starmie, and it was an easy battle, no sweat. You and Anne go through the Juvite Corps building fighting a bunch of Team Wack grunties and some Juvite grunters. You and Anne then encounter Admin Eva who's blocking a doorway to some stupid plot thing happening. Anne and you want to get passed the door but, Eva insists that she would enjoy being pushed out of the way, if ya know what I mean. She challenges both of you to a battle and loses because she has half of the Pokémon that you guys had. Eva lets Anne past but not you, so the date sequence begins. Eva says that Famine evolved into a Baumine, it just got bigger, and Based Economy evolved into a Fissiom, it got tech legs, penis killer learned new moves and she got a Weezing named Dubstep. You did the usual and she got flustered, so you pushed her out of the way and encountered Team Juvite leadership for the first time. Juvite Admin Silvermann and Leader Goldberg are in contention with Wack Admin Dr. Manglo. The Wack Admin is about to create a disease, but Silvermann and Goldberg want to fight you and Anne for some reason. They send out Probopass, Matzahz, a rice balls, Tweeter, a Twitter bird, Chaosemple, the ILLUMINATI EVIL, Orderymid, the good illuminati, Diebbyuk, a red thing with bones latched to it, Feborius, a media dragon, and a Juvite Golurk, it's brown instead of teal. They fail, predictably. Now you and Anne fight Dr. Manglo, who released the disease while you fought the Juvites. He uses a Reuniclus, Cofagrigus, and the disease, Zyklas. The battle was less than a minute because Zyklas has bad stats. After that, literally everyone ran away.

You go to Route 10, north of iCity.

Chernobyl Inspection[]

You explore Route 10 and find nothing of value, same with the Nuclear Forest, but that has a yellow tree because it wanted to be special. You reach Cherno City and want to challenge the gym, but the doors are closed, so you have to turn on the power. You go to the Nuclear Power Plant that has been infected with Team Wack gruntoids. You beat up the Wack Grunts but find that the power switch is on. You search around until you find Dr. Manglo using the power plant to power up the disease, now a Gachamber. He fights you and loses easily. He and the grunts run away.

You walk out of the plant and Anne tests your power again but this time, she has a Pokémon called Willost, a blue will o wisp spook thing, but she still loses. After that, you go to the Cherno Gym to challenge gym leader Hiroshima, a samurai guy. He throws out Nukreep, a nuclear creeper, Gammaray, a gamma radiation, Bushidon, a zombie samurai, Hulklear, The Incredible Hulk, Reactiox, is a chemistry electron stuff, and Godzillus, it's Godzilla but only 59 feet tall. You win, again. You leave with the Ccbaha Badge.

Magics City[]

Go east and you find yourself in the Pagan Woods, a place with Magic type Pokémon. But it is blocked by a stupid hex maniac. So, you have to go back to someplace called Faroff Town. You need to go all the way back to Latex Town, and you didn't get a Pokémon that can fly, bozo. Now that you are at Latex Town, go west to enter The Cave Cave. Now, go to Faroff Town. This is Zaydolf's hometown and is also the entrance to the Purification Camp.

You hear the fanfare coming from inside the camp, but the door is locked, so you go in through the backdoor. Eva was waiting for you there for her final Pokémon battle. She fails at trying to stop you and lets you past, but not without having a date. You do the epic charisma thing, she gets flustered or whatever, and you get past her. You plow through all of the grunts until Dr. Manglo gets in the way, but this time he has a Genesect and fails anyway. Now you have to fight the 7 Elite Grunts who use the same types as the gyms you fought and they all flop and asplode. Now you get to see the stuff Team Wack is doing to Team Juvite. They're hanging them, shooting them, gassing them, drowning them, eating them, exploding them, rolling over them, big chungusing them, wrapping them up in toilet paper, concrete shoesing them, gluing their nostrils shut, and tons and tons of more and more of horrible and terrible stuff. Only YOU can stop this! You bust through the headquarters door with Anne. First, you kill Admin General Zyklon's Pokémon which included a Wackian Hydreigon, a drei headed tank dragon, Eldragon, a dragon with seaweed on its head, Locoalmotive, a coal train, Nukreep, Behemist, Saplom, and Razorbash, a chainsaw Beyblade. Second, you deal with Supreme Father Zaydolf, who had Gigasvyre, a legendary cyberspace thing, Eldragon, Registeel, a heavily effective iron lead, not anything zealfully inciteful, or anything, uh... Wackian Braviary, a gold bird, Neonazi, a neon-Ozymandias, and a Manectric. Third, you fight Your Friend Zaydolf, who just had the same crap just one battle ago. And last, you fight a Corrupted Dr. Manglo. Corrupted by what? Don't know, maybe it was Gachamber or Gigasvyre. Anyway, this is the last battle before you end Team Wack's evil thing and Dr. Manglo had Mewtwo, Cofagrigus, Gigasvyre, Genesect, Gachamber, and a There is only Hell, a Pokémon that is the manifestations of a schizophrenic which Dr. Manglo was. After you defeat the last Pokémon, Dr. Manglo dies for some reason.

Anyway, with that done, you can complete the 8th gym in Arcania City, the city that is accessed from the Pagan Woods and no longer blocked by a stupid hex maniac. At Arcania City, you decide to fight the gym that contains a bajillion wizards and gym leader Merlin. You beat all the wizards and you challenge Merlin to a Pokémon battle. Merlin sends out a Wizcap, a wizard cap, Cummunculus, a cumulous cloud, Dargouille, a rock gargoyle, Arcaneon, wizard eevee, Goatemon, an epic hell guy wearing a suit, and Snatan, a snake Satan. You beat him. That's the 8th gym, and you got the Arcane Badge! Now you can challenge the Elite Four and Champion.

Victory Road[]

To find Victory Road, go down from Wack Town. You need surf you idiot. You fight Zaydolf one last time and he apologizes for almost destroying the Wackian economy, but you didn't care. Okay, cool you got through Victory Road and now you found the Pokémon League, now you need to fight the Elite Four and the Champion and never lose. First, you fight Vira the Virus type buffoon. She has Poryrus-Z, a Porygon but fragmented, Malworm, a worm, Smobill, a representation of what smoking does to you, Baumine, Trojorse, a digital horse thing, and Viriv, a green and blue thing like most Cyber or Virus types. You easily won, of course, you chose the best starter. Second, Cybrus, he's like Vira, a buffoon. He uses Trollternet, a troll with bit fragments, Sonotech, a headphones, Porygon-Z, Systerus, a 1s and 0s spook, Porygon2, and Buglitch, a locust sunuvagun. You win because you chose the best Pokémon. Third, you fight some fat scared girl called Stella. She used Diebbyuk, Hundead, a zombo in a sweater, Teskare, a legless scissorhands female, Frostear, a snowman, Horrorux, an armless lizard that glows, and a Stantler. U WIN. Fourth is a cool guy called Neil. He uses Lunighton, a Lunatone with orbiters, Darkole, an eyeball tentacle monster, Univax, a boy with galaxy jammies, Xeraphox, a Hoopa wannabe, Spaceon, eevee space, and Sateli, just a satellite. You won but you had to work for it. Last is the Champion Yawen, a stoopid freak. He used Eldragon, Ledevilain, a demon knight, Eldcraftian, literal demon, Orderymid, Archango, an angel knight, and Ryulung, a dragon with feathers instead of seaweed. You won without losing a sweat or tears, but when you won, Yawen lost. So, he DIED.

You become Champion of Wack and unlock the midshame. Tyrantrum destroys the Pokemon League, killing Vira, Cybrus, and Stella, but not Neil because he is cool.

Plot Summary[]

That's the main story of the shame! Now, time to tl;dr.

You, the player, wake up in Wack Town and get a Pokémon from Professor Not Oak. You meet an idiot called Zaydolf and he doesn't like Team Juvite too much. You and Zaydolf fight through the gym system and Zaydolf finds other guys called Team Wack who also don't like Team Juvite too much. You stop Team Wack in some Ankh Desert and charm a bimbo. You find a Coomer, steal the stone, and make abominations. You stop Team Wack from kidnapping iCity Team Juvites. You prevent Dr. Manglo from making Gachamber too powerful. You stop the Purification Camp from purifying. And you become Champion of Wack. That's just Act 1 though. Also, Tyrantrum destroyed the Pokémon League.


Early reviews of this shame took about 3 months to actually come out because the critics were so bad at the shame that they got stuck on gym one for a long, long time. Longer than what a Pokémon shame should be, according to them. But, despite reviews being so late, this shame only sold 214 units.

This shame got a limited number of reviews and all of them were negative! So-called critics say Pokémon Wack is too long, and the story barely makes any sense. They say the shame is NOT FUNNY at all and is entirely cringeworthy! The shame is stupidly difficult, those guys said because they are complete n00bs. And the last thing they said was that it is too hot for the children of the UnWorld to see.

There is only one YouTube review of this, and it praises the shame for its creative Pokémon design, its CREATIVE Pokémon design, awesomeness of soundtrack, and creative female character design. With this one review, a cult following of this shame occurred, producing fan art, fan "art", and "fan" "art", and building up a community of dedicated fans who have the goal of sharing this masterpiece all over the interwebs and also making a comprehensive encyclopedia for everything in the shame, such as secrets.

Unfortunately, this shame would never get the attention it deserves, because Betabad, another YouTuber, made a Pokémon shame that also has 50+ types. But Betabad was a popular tuber with very stupid, degenerate fans who thought that his RIP-OFF of Pokémon Wack was the only shame where memorizing the type strengths and weaknesses was impossible. But Pokémon Wack did the impossible first because a guy had a dream! A dream to blow away the fans of Pokémon! A dream that would never dry out! He made his dream come true and didn't care about what stupid critics said, for he is a guy every guy should strive to be like!


ESRB- Rated Ao, for dangerous humor and guts

Wario Ratings- Rated X, for xtreme, epic laughs, and fun for the whole family

Biased Ratings- 0.53/9.11- This shame makes 9/11 look like a walk in the park, it's that bad

Pegi - Rated Pegi 1000 for dead only - This shame makes the reign of Mao Zedong look like a walk in the park, and it is full of things that we say Get da Hint? to, but they actually say them in full detail.

See Also[]

Pokémon Wack Wiki - WARNING - NOT SAFE 5 KIDS!
