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UnAnything Wiki
Pop Star

Although it looks yellow, it's actually green. Just like Homer Simpson!

Planet Popstar is a star/planet hybrid ruled by the great leader King Dedede, and is home of a bunch of life forms even lower than Toads called Waddle Dees. It is situated in the UnUniverse right 50 light years left of the UnWorld. Planet Popstar is the planet where Kirby and Meta Knight were born. Nobody knows for certain the true age of Planet Popstar. But from Ganondorf's account, this star is at least 66,002,000 years old.

So what can you do on Planet Popstar??? uhhhh idk.

Let's see...[]

You can sleep here. Also did I tell you Zero likes to invade it a lot? Go help him invade it again. I almost forgot about the food here; there's food everywhere that's full of preservatives and will make you very fat.

History of The Entire Thing I Guess[]

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... some girl named Cirno would decide "You know what? Fuck it I'm going to have my own planet!" and asked Galactic Nova to make her a planet with a bunch of idiots on it who she could kill, enslave, as well as make worship her. She called it "Cirno Planet" after herself because she had a HUGE EGO! Problem was, she didn't know where it was because she never asked where it should be.

But the idiots stuck around, and eventually one idiot smarter hungrier than the rest called the Kirby emerged. He was immune to diabetes but was also the Cirno the Waddle Dees were looking for, as Kirby forced all of them to feed his belleh (sometimes demanding they literally jump in). They tried poisoning fed him so much Pepto Bismol that eventually he turned pink. One night Dedede would show up to become the first king after the citizens asked him to clobber dat dere Kirby. Meta Knight would come into existence some time after Dedede founded the military there.

Susie and her father then invaded Planet Popstar, but Kirby (after he had been forced on a crash diet by the king) put a stop to that.

Places in Planet Popstar[]

  • Dream Land
  • Green Greens
  • Mt. Dedede
  • Crappy Town


  • Planet Popstar is really a brown dwarf (aka planet star hybrid).
  • The mass is 68x Jupiter.
  • The radius is 1.4804x larger than Jupiter.
  • The temperature is over 2127 C but not over 9000 C.
  • The reason why anybody can survive here is because they live in the planet's core, whereas the planet is covered in a star shaped mist.
  • The Spectral type is L type brown dwarf (this being the warmest brown dwarfs) this is a L0 Type.

This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help stop cats from taking over the planet by eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text.[VE]eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text. If this page is not dense enough soon, it might get deleted.


This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help stop cats from taking over the planet by eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text.[VE]eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text. If this page is not dense enough soon, it might get deleted.
