You're gonna be so full of lead, that you'll have to use your dick as a pencil!
—Pico, before killing somebody.
Pico is a very dangerous elementary school kid. He is wanted for stealing Shames from ShamesStop, but his efforts in thwarting Space Invaders disguised as the edgy half-demon half-alien self-insert that everyone sees somewhere on Roblox.
He is very angry and protective for the Ducky Gang, and is a PRO at brainwashing children. Even though HE was brainwashed by Ducky. He is one of the greatest criminals OF ALL TIME!!!1, and also sometimes gets freaky on Friday nights. He is a hater of Bear in Bear in the Big Blue House, and he kills him every time when he starts "extremely stupid" hostage crises, and started Anti-Bear Humor, which proved unpopular to Anti-Barney Humor.
He can also kill people with warning signs but only when he's in HD, so that's cool, I guess.
[BLAMMED] takes the form of an assault rifle, and it's similar to Hol Horse's stand, [EMPEROR].
- He has nothing to do with the SEGA PiCO.
- He's an avid rock-paper-scissors enthusiast.
- He has his own video shame called Pico's School.
- Pico's birthday is a national holiday in some countries.
- He has at least 96 confirmed kills, including 81 in a single shootout in Week 7 in the shame Friday Night Fuckin'. Speaking of kill counts, Pico is jealous of Hank J. Wimbleton's kill count.