A lovely family of Pepper People.
Pepper People, GIMP z Pepper People, or Ze Pepper People are a sub-species of Humans whose defining characteristic is their faces (which aren't the greatest in Koridai) are replaced with a large green-and-red pepper. Their heads are this way because of somebody's photoshop in GIMP spreading from being a computer virus into a real virus. Most Pepper People seem perfectly fine with their pepper heads for whatever reason and don't mind it.
The Pepper People were first created in 2016 after GIMP added their "z Pepper" brush. Some dude thought he could add this to his face but then his face actually started to become a pepper. The disease spread to local communities and turns people into Victorian-age families, as can be seen on the picture above.
For some reason its spread is restricted to a single United State, that being Ohio. Families of Pepper People then adopted Amish-like lifestyles due to the necessity of their condition. Currently Pepper People make up 0.8% of the Ohionese population (or about 10,000). Though you can still be cured if you are contaminated: and that's to chop of your head or to get the Weegee Virus to replace the pepper. (Kind of a spider and fly situation, eh?)
Daily Routine[]
They live a very traditional lifestyle, the man, woman, and child usually rise at 4 to go make the extra-most important meal of the century, BREAKFAST! They take the peppers that resemble their faces out of the garden and eat them.
Since peppers on their own don't restore much hunger points they have to be eating their day's nutrients for at least 6 hours, or even 7. This munching is not for nothing, as peppers increase the pepper powers of the pepper people which powers them to plant more peppers for tomorrows harvest.
With the rest of their day they go to photo shoots, taking the exact same picture each day, which can be seen above.
When they die, which comes every so often, they are buried and become more peppers to eat. Not sure if this is cannibalism, but this is why they've been banned from pretty much all of everywhere, except for the fields out in the country. Their heads are subject to being eaten by herbivores, while their bodies are subject to be eaten by carnivores. Life is very challenging for these people, so many choose death instead.
Pepper Powers[]
- z Pepper Spray Breath: Spray pepper juices from their mouth which has the same affect as mace.
- z Pepposopher's Stone: Turns stuff into z Peppers. Only those with a Pepper Level of OVER 9000 can use this.
- z Pepposopher's Stone Luigi, You Didn't Make it: It's a football, I chiseled it!
- z Pepper beam: Basically what it says in the title. They get to shoot a laser stream of tiny little z Peppers, though they get big with bigger Pepper Levels.