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UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki

Infidels on his sacred grounds? I'm afraid you need to leave, if you don't wish to become the next sacrifice to the Almighty... what's his name - Super Uber Bringer of God!

Paul of the Equinox

Paul is a somebody, alright. He's not really well liked, he's a member of a cult, and he's a idiot dumbass. The only good thing about him is that he's a homeless taxpayer. That's pretty good, right??????

There's literally nothing to say about Paul. Every time something bad happens to the Equinox, they blame it on him. He also really hates sheep.

There's no reason for this man to get a page.

Also, his name "Paul", as in Argos Agios, does NOT mean Creus. He will smite you for calling him Creus.

I really don't know any more at this point.

Oh, and don't forget Paul launched an attack on the NWS Base with a group of terrorists in Odessa Ukraine once.

In fact, for the sake of being a Schizophrenic idiot, I'm going to paste that information into Paul's page.

Paul won't like this much,


Yevgeniy Aleksandrovitch Imyarek, a member of the New World Sovereigns, evaded the Equinox for two years, until 2008. During Operation Red Storm, Archon Daniel Aphelion has spotted him at the NWS Base in Northern Vietnam. This confirms his involvement in Project Stardust, and the assault on the Dekrikas Arms Manufacturing Plant in Ronograd. The onslaught of the NWS Terrorists caused major confusion and many servants of the Equinox left in fear. Currently, the citizens are disagreeing with government officials due to the recent attacks, and Paul is considerably disheartened at the fact everyone ran away from their epic little cult. Imyarek was last seen at Ronograd, during Operation Dingelram'd.

That's where the Equinox Stronghold is heading to, the NWS Base in Odessa. Archon Erick Talen clasped the remaining documents needed to complete the puzzle that is the current location of Imyarek from the NWS Base in Ronograd, and that location is the NWS Base in Odessa. Julija Zakharova left coordinates in those documents, and that's how Paul knows where Imyarek is. There is a terrifyingly scarce amount of military rations left until the next supply box from the government. Medics are scrambling to get food and medicine for their patients. Luckily, if Paul brutally murders Imyarek in less than 3 days, the government will pressure the ration suppliers to send the Equinox more instantly (i have no idea why the government is helping with cults).

TVP, also known as the Volunteered Platoon, will launch a counter-attack by flanking the NWS during Operation Blood Moon. If successful, Imyarek should be one of many causalities The Supreme Uber Bringer of All wanted dead, and if not, retreat. TVP enlistment centres had been brimming will volunteers, we shall pray to The Supreme Uber Bringer of All for them and their families, make sure they have a final goodbye.

The following is the plan for Operation Blood Moon, according to PAUL.

TVP will split into two squads, the Flankers and the Attackers. The Attacks will hold their own at the gate, pushing through their defences, and cannot show weakness. No matter the pain, if they even winced for a second it might compromise the plan. The NWS needs to focus all fire on the Attackers, and if they see through their disguise and find out they were untrained volunteers, it will ruin everything. The Flankers will tether a truck filled with BT-500 missiles and detonate them using the IU-12 Handheld Detonation Device, then the Equinox servants will cut the rope and send the truck flying into the walls and explode a path inside their base (why cant they just blew the wall with... idk the MISSILES????).

The country is in turmoil, and it doesn't seem likely that NWS Generals are going to stop the attack on Black Moon Alpha Outpost, and now they even took over Sochlan. The Flankers will follow the truck after detonation and then take down the NWS from the inside, while the Attackers... do whatever. Finally, the Equinox will send the Special Operation Forces. Every step you take and every bullet you fire will count. Got hit by the enemy? Congratulations, that idiot made them waste a bullet. Stepped on a mine? You just disarmed a mine. The men should not feel the pain of the battle during the conflict - only fight for totally real religion and a god that can... probably rival an UnDefeatable... MAYBE.

They also want to assassinate a NWS General by the name of Rodomil Sokolov. A prosperous war profiteer, Sokolov happened to be on the side of the NWS during Operation Red Storm. He joined their ranks and quickly rose to the top due to suppling the Terrorists with advanced weaponry. Sokolov sniggered at the Equinox when they declared war on NWS, after all its just a few cultists. The way to assassinate him is very... hmmm.

He is easily provoked, just shoot down his favourite flower vase, which sits outside the Odessa base. Snipers will take him out when he comes out to check on his vase when we shoot it down. Sokolov is currently stricken by the defeat in Kyiv, so he'll probably not check for enemies. Classic Sokolov.

Yes. That's really it for this page.

You could call this random spam if you want,

Or continue the legacy of the local schizophrenic.

