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UnAnything Wiki

Benedict Wigglestein "Papa" Roosevelt Robotnik (sometimes called Father Robotnik, or Pappy Robotnik, or even simply Pappy) was the founder of the Robotnik Family, and the great grandfather of Dr. Robotnik. He owned Robotnik Mansion before it was destroyed by Mario Panciera (who is Mario's great grandfather, as well as a secret member of the Robotnik Kids), who then betrayed and killed Papa Robotnik with a death ray made from plumbing tools.


Papa Robotnik was born in 1401 to a wealthy family. From the moment he was born, Papa looked and invented like a person from the future. Well, at the time it was the future, he was Victorian. Papa Robotnik was told by his parents that as long as you had money, you were superior to everybody else.

Papa took these words for granted and soon started to build his own "new" family of sorts, the Robotnik family. Using genetic engineering, he began to create himself some "children", but since his machinery was Victorian, most of the results were normal children, or just plain weird. He managed to create a satisfyingly evil result: the Robotnik Kids, who obeyed everything Papa said like robots and spoke in unison, following each other around. Papa decided to use the no-evil results as slaves, then enslaved a few orphanages for more.

Later on in life, Papa made a pact with Bill Gates, however this pact didn't last long, as after Bill was killed Papa returned to raising his family.

In 1486, Papa was getting old and became addicted to tapioca. He had gigantic tapioca factories made across England, but he couldn't keep track of them all. As a result of this, the great grandfather of Mario, Mario Panciera, snuck out during his two-year shift, and discovered The Enclosed Instruction Book, and learned how to kill Papa. He destroyed all Papa's factories, then, when Papa came to kill him, he used a death ray made from plumbing tools to kill him.

Sonic the Hedgehog[ / ]
Knuckles [ / ]
Other Guys [ / ]
Movies [ / ]
Sonic the Hedgehog (OVA)Sonic the HedgehogSonic the Hedgehog 2Sonic the Hedgehog 3Fake Robotnik: The Movie
TV Shows [ / ]
Adventures of Sonic the HedgehogSonic the HedgehogSonic UndergroundSonic XSonic BoomSonic PrimeKnuckles
Places [ / ]
Sonic IslandsMobius
Events [ / ]
Papa RobotnikRobotnik KidsRobotnik Sr.Momma RobotnikJoseph StalinDr. RobotnikWaDr. RobotnikSuper RobotnikRobotnikClauseRobotnik Jr.MarioLuigiSageBaldiPooPhil EggtreeDr. Eggman Nega
Robotnik's Servants [ / ]
Robotnik Inventions [ / ]