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UnAnything Wiki

Words cannot describe how much I want to cuddle the Cremis



The logo also looks like a ripoff of Breath of the Wild

Palworld is the ultimate ripoff ever made. It rips off Pokémon, Minecraft, and even Skyrim. Nobody knows what a Factorio is, but it rips that off too. Originally, Palworld was going to be a Pokémon fan-shame called "Pokemon: But Actually Good", but then Nintendo sent them a death certificate, so they changed a few things and made the shame crap. You can play it on PC, or you can play it on Xbox Series X|S. Palworld was programmed in Rust, and NOT Unity.


You can build like in Minecraft, shoot like in mods for Minecraft, and even crash the shame like in Skyrim. There's these pokey mans called Pals which you gotta catch all of to get the levels and stuff. They're basically 1:1 ripoffs except you can't evolve your "Pals" because the shame is actually a lame, and no fun is allowed. That's why you have to grind for food too, so that you and your "Pals" don't starve. If you don't feed your pals, they will turn on you, so watch out. You could just hunt a bunch of Chickpeas, but that takes too long and they don't respawn. If only they ripped off Beta 1.7.3 spawning mechanics instead... There's also guns you can use in this shame. You can also give your Pals the guns too so they can shoot too. With enough guns, you can stage your own French or American revolutions.

There are also many war crimes you can commit in Palworld, such as slavery. No, not the obvious enslavement of Pals, but also people. You can put them in in tournament camps and have them beat each other up like a Pokémon battle. If you torture, murder, dismember, or mutilate them, your level of violence goes up. With a high enough LoV, Sans will come to your house and show you how to cut a xan cake, a forbidden technique only Junkil is supposed to know about.


You start out in Some Random Village That Nobody Cares About, and move out of it because it's very lame. You also start out with Ishballs, a ripoff of Ishbal from FMA (the 2003 version). They're SUPER lame and you throw them out so you get awesomeballs instead.

After you beat the boss of the first quest, you can do anything like in Breath of the Wild. The thing you do next is build a base like in Minecraft, which immediately gets destroyed by this shame's equivalent of Team Rocket because they're buttheads (and NOT the Great Cornholio). Once you get access to guns, you can do pretty much anything because at that point you're unstoppable, but many gangs have guns too so you gotta shoot to kill shoot to skill, I say that because you will face a skill issue if you're super violent for no reason and try to kill everyone.

You beat the shame once you enslave every Pal + every person who lives in the Palworld. You get a medal of honor for doing this, as well as a few spaceballs. Even though you don't need them anymore...


Pal list
Pal name Nickname by Koishi Based on Photo
Your best pal N/A Flowey Flowey
Lamball the goober ball Wooloo Lamball
Cremis silly little goober Eevee but I'm taking this to the grave by saying

Cremis is cuter than Eevee

Mau Ankha's cousin Umbreon, clearly, but egyptian because gold MAUMAUMAU
Foxspark ZE FLAMMENWERFER Either the vulpix or flareon Foxparks
Vixy Silly goober 2 the even sillier goober Is yamper but fox Vixy
Chillet "is this"

thats right this is the ultimate goober CHILLET

furret?? blue??? vaporeon???? Chillet


Most people instead of playing the shame just went on Rule 34 to look at all the Pals, so until the reviewers' left hands are available, there won't be any reviews any time soon. Wait, just in, the Angry Video Game Nerd said this shame doesn't actually suck. What a miracle.

Lots of other people also think everything in this shame was made with AI. Despite there being no evidence to prove this

The only other person who likes this shame is Koishi, because he likes the silly goobers like Lamball and Cremis.
