Oobi Generations is a mind scarring Shame for the Wintendo Shamepiramid, it is one of the most useless shames starring Oobi, second only to Oobi Does Something. It is even one of the worst Oobi shames, but not the worst, which shows how bad Oobi shames can be.
You play as, "Oobi," moving the stick left or right makes him move in that direction, moving it up and down makes him elongate. Pressing a button makes him puke out a Polof for no reason, if he pukes 10 times the shame can Asplode, crash the system and cause a blackout, yeah.
All but 1 person who played this shame are in a mental asylum, everyone at ISN had a heart attack, and Oobi himself would rather watch The Loud House Movie than this! And as usual, Biased Ratings made a religion centered around it.