The old Elmo city road is one of the two roads into and out of Elmo City. before 2013, when the new road ,which is much safer than the old one opened, the old road was the only road in and out of Elmo City, and if you didn't want to leave that way, you were out of luck. Instead, you had to fly or use a train to go to or get out of the city. the reason it was difficult to drive to and from the city before 2013, when the new, safer, wider and faster road was constructed.Also, because it is the only way to and from the city, it is very congested, and you have to drive slowly and carefully along it to avoid the risk of falling off. Some parts of the route are not paved, and there are a few roadside shops with motels if you want to stop there. It's unknown why there are no barriers to prevent people from falling off, possibly because the people who built it didn't have enough money. Because you have to drive carefully, you are not allowed to drive an Orangemobile on it, because they are hard to control, unless you put it on a truck or put it on a trailer. The road was first built in 1903, 97 years before Elmo City was built, and very few people used it, because it was very dangerous, and it was only used by people who had to transport weapons between two parts of Nowhere. because nowhere was very poor at the time of the road's construction, and they had to use whatever they had with them to build the road. That meant that the new road had some parts that weren't paved, which were the most vulnerable places on the road, because vehicles mostly fell there.
Dangers of the Old Elmo City road[]
- 99.9999% risk of falling off , like what happened to these guys:
- if you fall, there is no one there to save you, so you will either die, get injured or survive, although your vehicle might get damaged while it falls off or rolls down a hill
- 99% risk of dying
Construction of the new road[]
in 2003, some guy wasn't happy about the old road, and he wanted a new one to be built. He said the new road should be wider, faster and safer, and a 0% risk of falling off. so in 2007, construction of the new road, which will connect up to McCity began, and was completed in late 2012, however, there were a few issues to deal with, which delayed the opening of the new road until 2014, but they solved the issues quicker, and it opened in 2013.When it opened, the new road became congested, and only a few people used the old road after that
- The Elmo city old road is and was the second most dangerous road in the UnWorld
- some people are thinking of getting rid of the old road, because the new road rendered the old one useless.