Okay, could you PLEASE get these STUPID THINGS away from me?!
—Neon Rizumi, during her very short-lived time as a Teletubby minion.
Hey, I hate you, you Dig-It hater!
Alright, let's get you back to Gensokyo.
Neon Rizumi Scarlet is another girl from Doki Doki Majo Shinpan!. She is a normal person, much like Maria Abe. She is an overconfident fashion idol who dresses up like a bat and a bunny for some reason, with a pink motif. She is arch enemies with Berry and Tierboskat since the two cats like calling her names from the Periodic Table.
It is believed that Neon was inspired by Hatsune Miku, and ironically enough, Scientist-San likely made a rip-off of her named Kasane Teto, who is much more glitchy than your average virtual singer. Neon only cares about fashion, though. She doesn't sing (though she actually does, and the results are amazing, to say the least).
If you encounter a wild Neon Rizumi on the street, she can be easily defeated by crosses (she's afraid of them since she is a goth), fire (it burns her), or water (the water causes her mascara to wash away). Normal Humans are defeated by stuff like this as well, so don't worry about this being suspicious or anything.
She looks a lot like Natsuki (don't ask why), but with bunny ears and large twintails. She wears a midriff-exposing dress and bat wings, which have the ability to make her fly. Nah, just kidding, they are for show. Once again, Neon Rizumi is a normal human. She has dark brown leggings and pink/purple boots.
- She also has close ties to Maria, likely because they go to the same school together.
- She was a minion of the Teletubbies, but she quickly rebelled against them because she hated them.
- She killed Stitchface Greg Heffley.
- She is absolutely, positively not related to Flandre Scarlet or Remilia Scarlet. Trust us on this one.