NEDM Energy (or, to use its proper scientific name, Enedium) is a type of element released by almost all of Happycat's attacks, including his (in)famous NEDM attack and his laser eyes. It is powerful enough to make people spontaneously combust, and that's in the diluted form used by Happycat. In its pure form, used for deadly weapons such as the NEDM Bomb, the NEDM Dinner Blaster, and the NEDM Black Hole, it can destroy pretty much everything. It is a renewable resource, as beside being released by Happycat and found in Kittehlandian mines, it can regenerate itself. The only one who is immune to it, besides Happycat himself, is the Icosahedron. NEDM stands for "Not even DOOM music".
States of NEDM Energy[]
NEDM Energy is a weird material. It can be in any state, at any temperature. It is recommended that you do not eat solid NEDM, drink liquid NEDM, inhale gaseous NEDM, or look directly at plasmatic NEDM, unless you want to DIE.
List of weapons or other things that use NEDM Energy[]
- NEDM Bomb (the most deadly weapon in UnHistory)
- NEDM Dinner Blaster (Hyrule's most advanced and most deadly weapon: fires blasts of NEDM Energy as projectiles)
- NEDM Black Hole (so far the only thing to kill NaN)
- NEDM White Hole (the NEDM Black Hole's twin; spawned ’)
- NEDM Spartan Laser (Sparta's answer to the NEDM Dinner Blaster; the R&D costs for this thing plunged Sparta into debt)
- NEDM-Powered Wa-Machine (Wario's attempt to make an NEDM-powered thing; malfunctioned and started spewing out WaNEDM Energy before eventually self-destructing, taking half of WaWorld with it after it produced Asplode NEDM Energy)
- NEDM Snowtomic Bomb (the Ducky Empire's top-secret weapon)
- NEDMgee and NEDMgee Clones (a Fakegee created by the NEDMification of a Weegee clone)
- NEDM Blue Yoshi Virus (a Weegee bio-weapon created by combining the Blue Yoshi Virus with NEDM energy, which causes the appearance of a Blue Yoshi on the infected person, telefragging them)
- NEDM Weegee Clones (enhanced Blue Yushees that spread the NEDM Blue Yoshi Virus; only two dozen in existence, and they're quarantined in a top-secret facility in the Weegee Planet Nine Territories)
- NEDM Cementygas (Bob the Builder's weapon that asploded multiple cities)
- NEDM Death Star (an upgrade to the Death Star, also known as the Death Star III)
- NEDM Promotion (with everyone else getting NEDM weapons, Robotnik felt left out, and decided to make yet another NEDM version of an existing thing)
- NEDM Death Juice (an upgrade to Death Juice with NEDM power; kills 2,147,483,647 times as fast as regular Death Juice)
- Netherite (a super-strong material with trace amounts of NEDM Energy)
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