He is made of Steal i mean Steel.
Mr. Steal (officially Mr. Steal) is a person from Anarchy City who is most wanted by the DSBA. He is a huge criminal, and he had committed 244 crimes in his entire life, most of which were robberies. He thinks it's so clever to steal the appearance of Mr. L, but we all know the joke is unfunny.
Mr. Steal was a native born Anarchy City in 1974 citizen and died a oh so tragic death in 2023.
oh so tragic death1![]
He wanted to bring down his biggest enemy (his high school bully) with an AK-47, but was arrested by the DSBA for possesion of weapon without a permit (not that the city issues permits to civilians anyway) and was given 45903822 years so he broke out of jail and stole a DSBA Minigun but was caught and charged with repeat offense possesion of weapon without a permit (9130971 years), possesion of government property (32914701438952736 years), possesion of contraband with maybe malicous intent (2947230472 years), and alleged treason (5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 or 5E+100 years)
he died in prison in 2023, however.
Every crime he has committed[]
mr.steal has commited 244 crimes in total, including:
- 115 Robberies, including that of a very rare limited edition UnAnything Trading Card Shame, The Most Expensive Car in Existence, a Chuck Norris Robot, 99999999999999999 tons of Gold, and some lab-grown samples Chuck Norris' Tears, and many others
- 40 Online scams, to get lots of MONEY
- 13 threatening Emails to Captain 0
- 9 Threatening emails to Captain A,Captain X, and Captain Z
- 15 Murders
- Selling Illegally stolen goods
- Trespassing in a Governent facility
- Attempting to Blow Up an UnAnything HQ
- 9 Mass shootings
- Attempting to Kill Chuck Norris
- Trying to make Captain 1 good
- 8 UnAnything Rule violations, including making 4 Undefeatables without permission
- 20 C4 detonations at events
- 5 violations of the UnAnything Wiki's Manual of Style
- And violating the laws of physics 5 times
Suffice to say, He has commited lots of crimes, not just robberies
- If you see this guy, run like hell.