Mr. Noseybonk (true name: Sir Nose Edward Bonkingsworth) is an anomalous, silent malefactor, public menace and former employee of the BBC, until he was fired in 1992. Ever since then, Mr. Noseybonk has went on to become an executioner, simply because he felt like doing so, and is notorious for his numerous acts of manslaughter that typically involve bursting through random people's private property in the dead of night, and proceeding to knife them repeatedly, or walking his way around town murdering numerous individuals, while all of this is done while he's on the run from the police. As of today, he remains at large.
Mr. Noseybonk's origins are predominantly unclear, though some assume that he was in fact born with the malformed, pale face he is often regarded as infamous for. Others assume he was a man considered to be a creep by many locals who was thus forced to wear a kaolin mask resembling that of a misproportioned, lunatic figure signifying his loss of reputation. Noseybonk thus went out committing numerous crimes of murder as a way of revenge to the locals who were responsible for fabricating his notoriety. The only somewhat tangible theory is that he's a form of Pillar John who was given the Clown Stone.
Gardening career[]
In his spare time, Mr. Noseybonk often luxuriates in gardening and planting strange seeds reminiscent of Noseybonk himself, known as 'nosegays' in his greenhouse. He is often seen doing this in the most well-known excerpts of police footage. Whenever his 'nosegays' are planted and watered, they expand instantly in only a matter of several seconds. In several weeks, the plants transfigure into additional satanic noseybonks, which he enslaves as his own minions. All of this all stemmed from how on one day Mr. Noseybonk was experimenting with new ways to assassinate his victims while he was in his jail cell in the middle of the night.
Criminal life[]
Mr. Noseybonk has been arrested more than a dozen times, for numerous crimes, mostly for being known to conceal large amounts of cocaine in his flat, but also for several other reasons, including paedophilia. Each time he is thrown into prison, however, he rapidly absconds from his jail cell while the police aren't watching. He then proceeds to smash the nearby security cameras with a sledgehammer, perform a bunch of erratic movements (an attempt of mockery driven towards the police), and then make a run for it.
Mr. Noseybonk has also been reported to be homeless, due to numerous accounts of evading paying all of his rent, bills and taxes. He often sleeps underneath the nearby postbags and sacks at the Royal Mail. At one instance, he was caught stealing one of the sacks and scampering around in it through the streets of Bristol. A nearby police officer saw the event and pursued him while he was evading traffic lights. He then sent his colossal army of children in a field down onto the poor police officer.
- He may be a Thought-Form who was created from the high crime rate in some areas of the UnUnited Kingdom.