UnAnything Wiki

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UnAnything Wiki

Mt. Wario

Mount Wario is a luxurious snow capped mountain range in the King Frost Territories owned by Wario, and one of the The Frost Dimension's biggest tourist attractions. At OVER 9000 meters above sea level, it has the highest peaks in the entire Frost Dimension itself. Everything is super expensive here, even the air, so you've got to have deep pockets if you wanna stay!

Cliffs of Mount Wario[]

The Himaalps of Mount Wario include various luxury suites, beautiful vistas, ski resorts, you name it! The person who's responsible for all this is Bully Maguire, the cheapest builder of his generation and the one Wario hired for $12.

There's a 1% chance any given year that the Garlic Volcano will erupt. Garlic Volcanoes only come in magnitude 11 , and are vary garlicy. If you're near one when it erupts, you'll turn into garlic. If you see the eruption, you'll turn into garlic.


Caves of Mount Wario[]



Just how there's cliffs on Mount Wario, there's also caves. Nobody goes into these caves, because they're the Caves of Mount Wario, obviously. In these caves are a lot of untouched gold, which is probably why Wario bought this place in the first place. But he hasn't ever gotten around to turning his ski resort into a gold mine.


Like many caves, lots of evil things live in these caves, and there's a variety of creatures; they are a big deterrent of economic development in the region. They all have ebola, by the way. Notch is responsible for putting the Creeper Dungeon deep into the caves after seeing Bully Maguire's involvement in the cliffs.


Chuck Norris Approved Minecraft! (Hypixel's Creeper Dungeon)


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