Mother Teletubby is the mother of all teletubbies. She is also an evil mastermind who hopes someday that she can nuke the UnUniverse. She is also Evil at a level OVAR 9000!!! But she is also 0% good, except for the fact that she is against WaBonzi Buddy. She was/is a member of the Seven Deadly Sines until she is killed by Lord Shen using his own cannon creation by accident. This also leads to Po developing a phobia about Shen. The Chameleon later revived her, again, by accident, and so she re-joined the Seven Deadly Sines.
This Teletubby was created in a lab experiment by Old One Dip in case all four of them ever die out, y'know, to continue the Teletubby bloodline. The Mother Teletubby was assigned to watch over the land. One day, she created a bunch of new evil beings (the main Teletubbies) then, she created Zoombah and the Boohzone so Zoombah could live happily. Shortly after, WaBonzi Buddy came and stabbed Mother Teletubby with a sword and said: "That's what you get when you make something more evil than me!" Then Mother Teletubby was infected with WaViruses. She was immune, but WaBonzi was banned from teletubby Land forever as a precaution. WaBonzi was furious, so years later, he destroyed Teletubby Land using a team of good Guys dressed in green inflatable Morph Suits.
This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help increase the amount of spontaneous combustions in the world by eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text.[VE]eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text. If this page is not dense enough soon, it could be deleted.
This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help increase the amount of spontaneous combustions in the world by eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text.[VE]eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text. If this page is not dense enough soon, it could be deleted.
Teletubby Generations