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UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki
The Mona Twiba

The original painting on display.

Mona Lisa

Leonardo da Vinci's pathetic, cheap imitation.

The Mona Twiba; Dig-It: *gurgle noise*, is a preeminent portrait first painted in 1501 by prominent Dig-It artist Twibbonardo da Twinci that portrays the Dig-It leader, Twiba Worm's disembodied head wearing a hard hat placed above an anonymous woman's anatomy in the midst of a meadow. The portrait currently lies fastened and secured inside of a glass box above a panel of wood in the art exhibit of aristocratic Dig-It establishment Fancy Schmancy, surrounded by an overabundance of screenshotted NFTs.


Humble beginnings[]

Fundamentally, during a jubilee hosted to celebrate the anniversary of Twiba's coronation, Twibbonardo, who was present at the local banquet, had took an overabundance of crack; he took so much of it that an idea formulated into his mind. At the time, Twibbonardo was prominent in the Dig-It society mainly for his paintings of apples, trees and other notable pieces of Mother Nature. Thus, in his mind, it seemed an excellent time to dole out a portrait of the Dig-It leader to the world considering the circumstances, so he did it. And thus the Mona Twiba was first produced.

Rise in popularity[]

The Mona Twiba, the first portrait of its kind, was presented to the public shortly after, and as expected, was immediately embraced by the Dig-It public. Many felt that the portrait embodied the Dig-It ideals as portrayed in its manifesto, and therefore, was a necessary and critical piece of artwork for a culture that placed emphasis on self-improvement and personal development. Indeed, the portrait was so popular that it was not long before it was unveiled physically for the first time to the aristocracy in the Fancy Schmancy foundation where large, densely packed throngs of visitors stormed into the building simply just to admire the portrait's beauty.

Cheap imitations[]

Because of the Mona Twiba's fame, it's no wonder that some narcissists would try to photocopy the portrait and declare it their own. Approximately a year later, some dodgy geezer by the name of Leonardo da Vinci, who by then had just graduated from a regional Squidward Community College, caught sight of Twibbonardo's achievements through a spyglass, and did just that. For those unaware, Leonardo was an enormous enjoyer of Twibbonardo's expertise, so much to the point where he changed his legal name to bear a striking resemblance to that of the Dig-It artist, and copying his artwork, was his next step. He started out by screenshotting the Mona Twiba from space view from his spyglass with his camera as if it were an NFT, and then sloppily drew the face of his presumed girlfriend over that of Twiba's as an attempt to conceal any evidence of it being Dig-It property. He then, declared his copy... the 'Mona Lisa', of all things. His painting, unsurprisingly received the amount of attention the original did back at the Dig-It Empire.

Dispute of the painting[]

Despite Leonardo's claim that he was not infringing any copyright laws by making his illegal copy, he was taken to court by the rights holder, Twibbonardo da Twinci himself. And since the Mona Twiba is an undisputed masterpiece, its value skyrocketed immensely. Of course, Leonardo then attempted to sell the original for a million times more Dig-It Dosh than its initial worth. However, Twibbonardo's lawyers were quick to spot Leonardo's attempt at a bait-and-switch; they demanded an immediate refund of the money. Leonardo was more than eager to return his ill-gotten gains and, therefore, immediately went to the bank to return all the money, but instead, he took what he could of the copy and made off, like a common thief would. However, after a quick chase, his capture was eventually achieved by the Dig-It forces, and he was sentenced to a life of community service, and community service only. Leonardo died almost a decade after his criminal act due to a stroke.

The Dig-Its[ / ]
Dig-Its [ / ]
Twiba - Twimba - Twomba - Smoking Dig-It - Twibo - Twtll - Twtian - Twtian's Mates - Twibd - Tllwthnm - Twtnslfhm - Sir Twibbleton II - Timothy Twitletwable - Twiborius Twiblibbleson - Twimbley Twalobbletob - Twibarian McTwimbatoes
Noble Dig-It Land immigrants [ / ]
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The Dig-Its - Snowcones Inc. - Dig-It Killers
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Dig-It Leader - Dig-It Army - Dig-It Government
Economy [ / ]
Dig-It Dosh - Tig-It
Websites [ / ]
Artwork [ / ]
NFT - Mona Twiba
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