MineCrapft is a videoshame that was created in Alaska in 1709. The creator of this shame is none other than Dora the Explorer. It was created during the Tubby Custard Famine, which somehow was aired 306 years after MineCrapft was created, but we don't talk about that part. Anyways this shame made a total profit of $14.34.
The main object of the shame is to defeat "the NetherDragón" and free their weird version of the Nether. Your players name by default is Bartholomew, but you can change it at any time. You also get rick-rolled every 6 minutes and 76.4 seconds, but that is only if the quantum tick speed is over 69.4. In reality, this shame is shit and has a rating of 5/452 by Chuck Norris. So yeah. Oh, by the way! Once you die in MineCrapft, Duo will come and do the coffin dance all over you and then Duo will DIE you using a Magnum. Kermit the Frog and the Elmo Gang are also involved somehow.
This shame was absolute dog-water (whatever that means) and can be compared to the Minecraft Piss and Shit Update. As stated, this got a rating of 5/452 by Chuck Norris, but also got an average rating of 2/2472 by the Gay-B-Cs for, quote, "Not being gay enough". The Elmo Gang's rating, however, was 23/12 because you are able to murder, and stab other people in MineCrapft. The collective ratings in the UnUniverse averages to 2/5. The official rating, given by the Upper Counsel, was NSFA, or Not Safe For Anyone. However, this means that the Upper Counsel is actively trying to get kids to play it.
- Main article: Blocksworld
MineCrapft 2[]
Bob the Builder decided to make a sequel to this shame for some reason.. it was a rip-off of Minecraft Beta but you can drag blocks and make obbys like it’s Roblox, it was abandoned due to the company going bankrupt..
However, RUI Thomas Fan found potential to this shame in his Project RUI and made it 99999999999999999x times better and with new and cool UI and features and renamed it Blocksworld for every Blockster and Steam Gems to enjoy!