Oh hell nah!
Spunch Bop s sad . Why is he been saddened
? Because this article's Unfunny! Please improve this article by adding some spaghetti toast pingas dinner.
Oh hell nah!
Spunch Bop s sad . Why is he been saddened
? Because this article's Unfunny! Please improve this article by adding some spaghetti toast pingas dinner.
Milo Murphy's Law is a TV series based on a force known as Murphy's Law. Murphy's Law is what you get when anything that goes wrong will go WRONG! It's about a boy named Milo Murphy spreading the whole Tri-State-Area with Murphy's Law that was distorting the fabric of reality, time, and space with bad luck and other horrible curses. Milo Murphy hangs out with Melissa Chase (A Phineas & Ferb hater) and Zack Underwood (A new boy in the Tri-State-Area inspired by Luigi) and goes on misadventures and spend time during class. It was a strange spin-off not to be worst as the Casagrandes show. It is a spin-off of Phineas & Ferb. Also, this show never attracted an audience such as Phineas and Ferb fans and this show is overused in a harsh way and making Murphy's Law gone too far. It was moved to Crap Network and still available on Didney+
- Going The Extra Milo: Milo Murphy made Zack, a new boy in town missed the bus and goes on a action-packed misadventure
- Sunny Side Down: Milo, Melissa, and Zack competes to study gravity by using Green Eggs & Ham
- The Undergrounders: Milo and his friends encountered a tribe of underground people trying to escape to the surface
- Rooting For The Enemy: Milo goes to the football shame and almost accidentally made the team lost, but Milo sides with the enemy's team, making the enemy lose
- The Doctor Zone Files: Milo, Sarah, Melissa, and Zack tries to watch the Doctor Zone Files (inspired by Doctor Who)
- The Note: Milo loses his note and goes on a obstacle course of levels to retreive his note before his meeting with his doctor
- Party Of Peril: Milo tries to have a good birthday, but FAILED after a duck attack
- Smooth Opera-inator: Milo and his friends goes to the opera, what could possibly go wrong?
- Worked Day: Milo is having problems on Career Day
- The Wilder West: Milo and his friends goes to the farm ranch
- Family Vacation: The Murphys tried to have a family vacation ...and in the ending, it turned out to be that the Murphy Family has banned sappy sentiment habits
- Murphy's Lard: Melissa remembers her first day of summer when Phineas and Ferb's rollercoaster has destroyed her. Milo and Melissa must face their fears (Chinese finger traps weaken Murphy's Law after Milo mistaken chinese finger traps as real bugs)
- Secrets And Pies: Milo and Melissa tells their secrets to Zack's dismay
- Athledecamathalon: Milo and his friends must compete in a mixture of athleteics and mathletics
- The Subsitute: A subsitiute teacher enrolls along with Milo and the class during science
- Time Out!: Cavendish and Dakota are on a low-level time travlers due to a evil leader named Mr. Block who manipulated them and used them for protecting the pistachios from being extinct
- We're Going To The Zoo: Diogee accidentally dropped the Murphy Family's T-Shirts onto the donate and recycle basket and Milo and Sarah must go on a run to get the T-Shirts back when Cavendish and Dakota are going to the Zoo, until Comet Kermillain traveled to the future and snuck inside Dakota's pants
- School Dance: Danville Middle School is having a school dance prom, what could go possibly go wrong? ...again seriously?
- Battle Of The Bands: Milo, Zack, Mort, and Melissa starts a concert
- The Math Book: Melissa forgot her math book at school and Milo, Melissa, and Zack must retreve her math book
- The Little Engine That Shouldn't: Milo and Melissa rides on her dad's fire truck, then things go wrong ...and Cavendish and Dakota plans to capture Milo
- The Llama Incident: After the woodpecker incident that Milo and his friends caused. Milo tells Zack about the Llama Incident after llama incident mentionings
- Missing Milo: After Cavendish and Dakota captured Milo Murphy, until mutated pistachio plants invade the future
- Star Struck: Milo is a fan of Krillhunter and he and his friends infiltrate the studio
- Disater Of My Dreams: Murphy's Law still heckled the middle school after leading Elliot The Crossing Guard to trouble
- A Clockwork Origin: Milo and his friends searched for a robot
- Perchance To Sleepwalk: Zack and Melissa tries to stop a sleepwalking Milo. And Mr. Block insults Cavendish and Dakota harshly
- Some Like It Yachtzio: Milo and his class gets marooned in Monkey Island after taking a field trip
- Backward To School Night: After a de-aging ray incident. Milo and his friends along with Cavendish tries to reverse the de-aging ray
- World Without Milo: Elliot dreams a universe that Milo Murphy don't exist, but Milo's counterpart are just balloons. It was based on Elliot's dream by the way
- The Race: Milo compete to race, but fails and lost track
- Love Tobogganator: Milo and friends goes skiing when Sarah is on a dat with her boyfriend
- The Island Of Lost Dakotas: Dakota tries to save Cavendish, but fails and leading his alternate selves forming a civilization
Season 2[]
- The Mid-Afternoon Snack Club: A evil subsitute art teacher named Mr. Blunt banishes the class to detention by calling them bad luck
- Arresting Murphy's Law: Mr. Blunt calls the police to arrest Milo Murphy for spreading chaos, despair, and horror in the Tri-State-Area
- Melissa's Revenge: After watching the pilot episodew of Phineas and Ferb along with Milo and Zack, Melissa busts Phineas and Ferb for ruining her life and science project
- First Impressions: A origin that Milo and Melissa first met. Also a origin when Dakota first met Cavendish
- Yeah, Snow Way! You Guys Are Staying Here Where It's Safe!: The same plot as Going The Extra Milo, but more snow and FAILS. Meanwhile, Dakota tells the truth ...leading him and Cavendish under a punishment
- Teacher Feature Torture: Scott The Undergrounder tries to get a date with Miss Murawiski
- Picture Dead: Milo tries to have a great picture at Picture Day, but Murphy's Law has gone too far
- Pace Makes Wasted: A grand charity Car Race, but Murphy's Law is up to no good
- Cake 'Splosion: Milo and Amanda compete in a bake-off
- Disco Do-Over-inator: Milo and Sarah helps their parents compete in a Disco Dance champions
- Fields Of Hopes And Screams: Milo, Melissa, and Zack does farm chores
- Dog Days: Milo helps taking care of dogs after Elliot gets injured by Murphy's Law
- Rise Of Prof. Parenthesis: One day, Diogee gets brainwashed by a robot flea. Milo Murphy was hired by OWCA to stop Prof. Parenthesis
- Wrath Of Prof. Parenthesis: Milo Murphy, and Agent P confronts against Prof. Parenthesis
- Perry The Platypus Eats The Gum On The Sidewalk And Gets Hit By A Bus: Some villain brain-controls Agent P to do stupid things ...yep, exactly what the title says
- Melissa Commits Tax Fraud: Melissa gets arrested and thrown into jail for committing tax fraud
- Melissa Gets Her Lincoln Loud Stuck In A Vending Machine: Melissa tries to get a soda from a vending machine, but she got her own PINGAS stuck in the FREAKIN' vending machine
- Mr. Blunt's Revenge: Mr. Blunt kidnaps Milo's classmates and friends as revenge against Milo. Milo Murphy is our only hope
- Melissa Gets Her Lincoln Stuck In The Door: Exactly what the title says, also Murphy's Law is our only hope ...maybe?
- llamaincident.exe: The Llama Incident, but it's a YTP/Meme