Merfolk (also known as sirens, females are generally called mermaids and males are generally called mermen) are a species of Human-like creatures that have a Fish tail (or just a general aquatic tail) and swim in the ocean, causing commotion (wait no that's Narwhals). Yeah, pretty weird, I know. They are known for their voices, and for making the bulge in your Pingas.
Merfolk are usually semi-social creatures who swim in lakes, oceans, and seas (or in one case, a swimming pool). They generally rest, sleep, and watch stuff on rocks, or some underwater kingdom in the bottom of the ocean. Merfolk can also sing terribly, but it's far better than Justin Beaver. Interestingly enough, their songs are a form of Idiot Manipulation so they can force sailors to either crash their ship into rocks or have them fall in love with the Merperson. Another trait Merfolk have is that they have sharp teeth that can munch on Humans. Thank the almighty fish people for reeling in Humans and keeping the stupid animal's population in check, at least that would be the case if humans weren't too stupid to not be fooled by their song, the dumbasses.
Other than that, there are quite a few princess Merfolk in the ocean and such. As a matter of fact, there are so many of them out there, calling them royalty would be like calling a Goomba threatening. According to some legends made by a Genius, Merfolk can control water to ether destroy stuff for food, Beat up helpless Baby Sharks, or just make Magic Tricks happen. Merfolk also can turn into humans by will, usually to ether walk on land properly, or to disguise themselves in order to kill more Humans. Later on, it has been only proven that they can transform into humans so far.

Another example of a Merperson. At least this one looks more friendly...
Merfolk have a Human Head, Torso, Ears, and Arms. The bottom part of a Merperson is a fish-like tail that's very similar to a Dolphin's. This includes the and sex organs of the Merperson, though the fin is similar to a Sea Lion, only more aquatic and fishy. The material of the tail can range from Scaly to Slimy to Smooth and Rubbery. Merfolk generally have two bottom fins than can be separately controlled like a Sea Lion's flippers, and the skin of their tails are surprisingly tough so that they can crawl on land without major chafing. A Skeletal System of Merfolk show that they have a Pelvis connecting the human and fish halves. A Merperson's Hair, Tail, and Eye color can be any color in the Rainbow, with Green being the most common color for the tails. A Merperson's Average height is around 8.5 Feet, and average Weight is about 210 pounds. They can live in both saltwater and freshwater due to how their gills and kidneys work.
Merfolk can turn into humans at will on land, though if they touch water as humans they turn back into their true form. If Merfolk were to be on land, they would crawl with their arms, using fins for back-end support. Merfolk have Great Smell, Loud Voice, and Keen Eyes, considering the fact that they live in water. Merfolk have slightly more fat than normal humans (This is considered to be Blubber) so they can live in deeper and colder waters, though Merfolk tend to never go under 1000 feet. As Mentioned before, Merfolk have Sharp Teeth. Said teeth are as sharp enough to rip through Human Flesh like it's a Twinkie. Merfolk also have Gills on their necks alongside lungs inside of their bodies that double as a Swim Bladder.
None of this is important! All you have to know is that they are a human but with a fish tail instead of legs WHAT THE FUCK?!
Notable Merfolk[]
Why would you eat a merperson?! Well, if your really that daring, or just want to be a half-cannibal, then first you should cut open the merperson and remove their organs and bones. Take their meat and cut it into steaks, and fry and season them similarly to a fish, I personally recommend Salt, Pepper, Lemon Juice, Garlic Powder, Oregano, and Onion Powder. Keeping the skin gives it a smoother texture, especially with the lower half.
Why would you eat a merperson?! Well, if your really that daring, or just want to be a half-cannibal, then first you should cut open the merperson and remove their organs and bones. Take their meat and cut it into steaks, and fry and season them similarly to a fish, I personally recommend Salt, Pepper, Lemon Juice, Garlic Powder, Oregano, and Onion Powder. Keeping the skin gives it a smoother texture, especially with the lower half.