I am a fat pig!
Dang it, stop being OBVIOUS!
—Megapork, while talking to Captain obvious
—Megapork, after eating a FATT MAC
I got a big rig with a hyper complex!
—Megapork, singing about his "Big rig"
Megapork's love for food cannot be contained. He can't contain it to the point where he starts eating guys! Odd thing is, nobody died from it, and he's currently pooping his pants!
Every day, he enters McDonalds, where he orders it's most lethal thing on the menu, in which he LOVES! Well... he is a pig, right?
Back in 1945, he was used to wearing Illuminati shades, Doing 360° no scopes, and even wearing a Pedo Bear hat! He was the walking MLG before it was invented.
Even though he was a kid, he did say "Screw logic!" To his hater fans, which were supprised by the fact that HE INVENTED PEDO BEAR BEFORE IT WAS INVENTED!
Forced into the guy world[]
At 1964, he was an average man, chowing down on some NintenD'oh 3BS, until he noticed that Mario was delivering "Weegee pies", which was Italian. He hated Italian food, so he tried murdering Mario, but Peach saved Mario by using a PINGAS grenade!
He survived the bomb, but when he woke up, some weird looking guy was staring at him. He noticed that he wasn't in Bull City anymore. He was in the GUY WORLD!
Today, in 2019, he still walks, and acts like he did during 1945 and 1964, but with one difference: He's a guy now.
- He is indeed based off of King pig as Megatron. The only difference between the two, is that he's a gluttonous Megatron, and not a royal fool with a robotic body.
- He hates obviousness
- He eats game consoles for DINNER
- He likes Shames so much, that he eats them.
- Megatron treats him like a clone, because HE IS!
- The only way he can threaten the UnUniverse is to gobble it all up! HE ATE A NINDEND'OH 3BS!
- His page has a lot of links. Lots and lots of links... HYAAAH!
- He can threaten the universe with the following: By eating it. His stomach is THAT large!
- He's awfully similar to Big Chungus. The two are good friends.