UnAnything Wiki

What is UnAnything? UnAnything is a humor wiki that's been running for over a decade. Want to edit? Read the rules, because your edits won't be saved unless you follow the instructions within. But if you're just curious about us, you can read the guide. Be sure to also check out our Discord! Have fun!


UnAnything Wiki
Note: UnAnything Wiki is not responsible for any seizures, brain damage, mind erasures, loss of control, motion sicknesses, extreme bouts of sadness, or loss of appetite caused by this video. DO NOT WATCH if you enjoy living the way you are now.


Some think McRoll'd is just a legend. Others think it is a myth. Some think it is both. Most importantly, some think it is just another one of those Rolls, like Rick Roll. However, it is none of those things. It is really just a brainwashing video used by Ronald McDonald, Flandre Scarlet, and Giygas in order to get young shamers in the Mushroom Kingdom to join their evil army. So watch it, IF YOU DARE!!! It's some random song that's a remix of a song called "U.N. Owen Was Her?". I mean like, who even is UnOwen anyway?


This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help figure out who set up us the bomb by editing the page.[VE]editing the page. If this page is not made 20% cooler soon, it will eventually get deleted.


This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help figure out who set up us the bomb by editing the page.[VE]editing the page. If this page is not made 20% cooler soon, it will eventually get deleted.
