i nevr doubted it, no queschom.
—Mayro, being a good sport

He's super.
Mayro is ta main charvacter of teh Supra Mayro Series. he is the broter of Luggy and the owner of Mayro's the plumber business.
Mayro was born in the brookyln town where he became a carpapenter and the owner of Mayro's the plumber business one day when plumbering he got zhucked down the drain and ended up in the lost kingodom where he saw creetures called gumbas that he cannot touch or he will die. He made it back to brookylin by escaping bigger gumba and then enter a go kartering competittyion where he won and lost. Then the prices got kidepped and told maro that she is of fsave. Mayro rescues her by killeng bigger gumba and bosser. He also met Classic Sanic during his adventures and the two became bisfrends.
Hehe his called super because of his super enormous di-