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UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki
Master Debater

Master Debater on the left, engaged in a battle against a weak opponent.

The Master Debater (often confused for the Mass Debater) is a guy who is skilled in everything Starcraft, everything Warcraft, everything Warhammer, and everything to do with arguments. Instead of being defeated epic style by the Ben Shapiros of the UnWorld when the LGTB gets challenged, he does an epic Russian reversal instead and tables the turns on them. He's looks like you, but has eaten a lot more Awesome Sauce, and thus, is stronger than you.


The Master Debater wasn't always good at debates. In 5th grade I debated him and won. Of course, I had help from ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Maybe it doesn't count, but it does count when he defeated all of ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 's individual members in the 7th grade after a simple misinput. In 8th grade, he defeated them again but this time he used АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ . In the 9th grade, he joined the debate team so that he could defeat 1234567890, because they were ruining his math homework and were being very hard. He also became a foreign exchange student in Russia near this time to escape ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ .

In Russian school, he was exposed to lots of Waluigi's Γ radiation. Instead of giving him cancer and killing him, it made him stronger, yes, wahahaha! This is about the time when he became a capitalist, and started hating on Fidel Castro and Joseph Stalin. He also killed debated against a herd of fuckin' ugly reds during his time in the soviet economic belt (which his what dad did not beat him with; he used a paddle). He swore that if he came back to America to go to Squidward Community College that he'd defeat communism over there too, as well as support LGTB rights. When a stray russian Femboy was doing a 🥺 because the Russians banned the gays, he knew he had to liberate the femboys in Russia too. For many years, he was practicing his 2nd amendment rights against TERFs, until the Russians sent out their best CS:GO sniper against him and killed him.

When he respawned in America, his prestige was lost and his Level of Violins was reset back to 0. He was about to become Justice, but I guess it was too hard for him not to be killed. He fell into a great depression after this when he was forced to live in him mom's basement for 6 years while he debated people en masse on the Internet instead of finding a job. Truly, a downfall from what he was capable of prior. When he realized how pathetic he was, he joined a DnD group full of similar NEETs, and went to the pride parade. He wasn't gay, he just was really bored. Anyways, he couldn't get into Squidward Community College because he wasn't epic enough, so he went back to Russia to go kill the guy who killed him and get all his levels back (and then some). With the help of the femboys he liberated from communism earlier, he was able to set Bill Nye the Russian Spy up the bomb, and make all his base belong to HIM. Once the Master Debater gained all his levels back and became epic again, he ate some Pizzaface, as well as that Awesome Sauce we mentioned earlier. He also applied (and got accepted!) to Squidward Community College.

At Squidward Community College, some dude made him face a false dichotomy. He obviously beat this n00b when he said nuh uh. Find questioned him some more, and he hit jesus with the epic "¿Porque no los dos?". Find didn't understand, so he had to translate it into the English "Why not both?". This obviously instantly defeated jesus, and his spell sent jesus to the depths of Hell. Currently, Master Debater is trying to become an Undefeatable, but he probably won't succeed because he doesn't have power. Maybe if his pen becomes mightier than the sword.
