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UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki

This is a Marguerite propaganda poster drawn by a kid that she paid. That kid had a crush on her.

Marguerite Williams was the fuhrer of Germany during World War III and one of the people to bring the End of Days upon the UnUniverse. She is the great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great granddaughter of Vendetta Williams. Like her ancestor, Marguerite was a ruthless dictator and Nazi war-mongerer.


Marguerite Williams was born to her mother (a Nazi), and her father (a concussion). As her father was literally a concussion that her mother got when hitting her head, Marguerite suffered serious brain damage. This brain damage caused her to do stupid things such as using Bing, eating breakfast after 10:30, and starting World War III and ending the entire UnUniverse as we know it.


This is what Marguerite actually looks like.

Marguerite was the fuhrer of Germany during World War III, meaning she was kind important. She led several attacks in the name of Germany, killing thousands. She is also the one who brought Adolf Hitler, Vendetta Williams, and Toka Ryuumonbuchi back from the dead at the Mountain of Despair. Eventually they were all killed and Marguerite was left to face a bombardment of nukes from the Pacifist Organization of Overaggressive Protectiveness.


Margspeak, Marguerite Speak for short, is the description of how Marguerite Williams talks on a normal basis. This general gibberish talk was caused by her father, who gave her brain damage. That brain damage hit her speaking and reasoning nerve sections in her brain and the nerves in her voice box, which is why she speaks the way she does.


This is what Marguerite literally looks like (she isn't waving...)


Margspeak: Du vill die a pinefool dedth! — English: You will die a painful death!

Who art du to crak into my house, you seethrred cockinroach? — Who are you to crash into my house, you seethrred (this is untranslatable) cockroach?

Dak is duh fort time dur fayler hast gots my shulders kil! Raprau to my limdat fur dur eksdeekwation! — That is the fourth time your failure has got my soldiers killed! Report to my diplomat for your execution!


  • Marguerite Williams was not only the worst fuhrer of Germany, but she was the last one as well because she completely ran Germany into the ground (at least on Earth).




