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UnAnything Wiki
W.D. Gaster

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W.D. Gaster

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Nuh uh bitch, I didn't kill your probably gay brother, the car did idiot

Magic mushroom "defending" himself in court which in reality is insulting rosa than actually defending himself.

Magic Mushroom is a crazy son of a bitch that who currently lives in Teletubby Land as a foot soilder for Dipsy who accidentally runs over people as a way of dealing with Lemmings who dare to do horrible things like go on strike for better pay then $10 UnDollars and a used condom from the trash. However before that he was a wanted criminal that was constantly attacked by bounty hunters who were hired by The Crystal Alliance and Captain 70 for running over a little prick by the name of Nate. The reason why he drives liem a monkey on a motorbike is because 1: since he is a literal hallucinogenic drug, he is constantly higher than the Burj Khalifa. And 2: he also has schizophrenia, he even named on of his most common hallucination Bob which convinces him to drive like GTA online player. Oh yeah he's also an incel, we don't know why but he is one and acts hostile towards women.

Before he got his car[]

Not that much was know about Magic Mushroom past except according to some people that he was seen in walking out of one of Doddy's factories. Although doddy screams himself whenever you ask if he made Magic Mushroom, normally he points a gun to your head and asks you to GTFO nicely. Without that blue bastard telling us if he made it or not, we made a theory on him lol (were fucked if he finds this) called the drug maker theory. doddy obviously has some history with Magic Mushroom, bad history, history worse than your search history some might say. A few thing of proof include doddy obviously acting like a little bitch to any question relating to him, all the lemmings that worked at the factory Magic Mushroom was first sighted all died the in a drug filled Asplosion in the morning, implying that doddy didn't want to take responsibility for the reddit using twat he made. And that dipsy wanted a gift of his own pet that was sentient and not like a dumbass lemming. This concludes that doddy did make Magic Mushroom and killed the lemmings so nobody would of known, theory over, let's go back to Magic Mushroom. People that claimed to seen Magic Mushroom said that he did a Romania and brooke into one of Po's fancy smanchy cars and drove to new York.

The incident[]


The car in question he stole, he claims it lures all the hot Asian babes to marry him, but not even a inbred hillbilly woman would go near that thing.

Magic Mushroom with his newfound car decided that it was a great idea to start driving but driving would be too much of a compliment, it was more of a fucking vehicle manslaughter rampage. During his "driving" one of his many schizophrenic hallucinations named bob would appear which told him "if you wanna not be ass at driving and be the best driver in existence, you should park into that nearby warehouse". Magic Mushroom agreed and drove into the warehouses, one problem that warehouse belonged to the infamous gangster Elmo, who was about to kill a gangster that betrayed him by leaking his furafinity account details to rival gangs. Elmo was about to shoot him until Magic Mushroom ran the dude over killing him instantly, Elmo was pissed off that some crackhead killed the guy he hated the most instead of him, so he started shooting the car, magic noticed his car getting shot and drove away quickly, not caring who ever he ran over. But he should of cared because during one of the crystal Alliance marches to stop assholes being assholes, a massive sadistic ground gobblin by the name of nate was the last in line and was the one to get hit by Magic Mushrooms small as car, oh boy let me tell you, there was a lot of blood and guts splattered all over the place. All he members of the Alliance watched in shocked and they immediately run over to magic's car (which has crashed into a sex shop by the way) and beated the shit out of Magic Mushroom, and threw his ass in court where he was given his prison sentence.

Court monologue[]

We were just gonna tell what happened during the court session, but when we heard the audio it was way too good to not be included, enjoy.

Captain 1,000 walks in
Judge: Magic Mushroom, as the judge of this court do you know why your here?
Magic Mushroom: Is it because I ran over the gay ass looking kid?
Magic Mushroom: I don't know female, he sure was wearing a swimsuit before he got ran over, pretty gay if you ask me.
Rosa: He is straight as a bullet that belongs in your head.
Magic Mushroom: You know, you are taking about your brother being straight alot, are you dreaming about getting it o-
Captain 70: alright, could the two of the crystal Alliance members know as Kris and Rosa stand up an tell your side of the story
Kris: I didn't know anything since I was the first at the front of the parade and Nate was at the ba-
Magic Mushroom: your dress like the gay kid so I assume your a lesbian instead of gay, and you should of took care of your boy scouts because one of them died.
Rosa: Stop calling him gay and your the reason why he died you psycho.
Magic Mushroom: nuh uh bitch, didn't kill him, the car did idiot.
Rosa: Does that mean I won?
Captain 70: No it means you along with Magic Mushroom dead.
Rosa: Shit.
Magic Mushroom: Ah welp, it's been a good run see you in hell.
Unknown Voice: Not on my watch.
Captain 1,000: wha-
The unknown figure bursts out the building crushing Captain 1,000 in the process (he survives by the way, I don't think it's that easy to kill gods) he reveals himself to be dipsy.
Dipsy: So then, which one of you is Magic Mushroom, I've heard about him all over the news and judging by the sounds, he could be a great addition for the Teletubbie army.
Magic Mushroom: Oh that be me.
Dipsy: Great! you're hired for the army and I'll get you a new house.
Magic Mushroom: Oh goodie, see you later suckers.
Both Dipsy and Magic Mushroom leave new York on a helicopter that flew by a few seconds after magic accepted the job.
Kris: what the fuck did I just witness.
Captain 70: eh it's just standard Teletubby behaviour, you'll get over it atleast we didn't have to deal with Elmo or another Teletubby like Po.
Rosa: so am I still going to die?
Captain 70: probably no,1,000 get a bit too mad sometimes.
Captain 1,000 gets back up.
Captain 1,000: so uh is the drug mushroom gone?
Captain 70: Yeah and I'll also get some bounty hunters to patrol the streets if he dares to come back.
Captain 1,000: Ah welp what's her name your free from death by the way, another case closed.
Captain 1,000 falls down again

New home in Teletubbie land[]

When he and dipsy went to Teletubbie land, Magic Mushroom was shown given a tour guide, laws, and his home. At the first day of his new job (which is basically commiting vechical manslaughter towards lemmings who go on strike) he was shown to the most powerful Teletubbies it was fine until he was shown to doddy who when he first saw magic he officially became the new brown Teletubbie for 10 days. So dipsy decided to put him into the people that scare the carp out of doddy house beside his bomb factory, he along with the other powerful members of the Teletubbie army now spend there days beating the crap out of ugly fat guys like You. Da end lol.

Tele Teletubbies Tele[ / ]
Teletubby Family [ / ]
Mi-Mi - Daa Daa - Baa - Ping - Ru-Ru - Nin - Duggle Dee - Umby Pumby
Doddy - Mumu - The Legendary White Teletubby - Thumper - Aya - Nin, Sr. - Tado - Boddy Doddy - Teepo - Ruggut - Fugar - EsEs - Arayavondabakzalagu - El Tunas - Ursprung
Teletubby Ancestors [ / ]
Modified Teletubbies [ / ]
Ybbutelets [ / ]
Ybbutelets - Ybbutelet Dnal - Baby Moon
WoTelotubs [ / ]
Boohbah [ / ]
Former Boohbah [ / ]
Zoombah - Gin Ginbah - Yahbah