Elsa von Beetroot is a military scientist from Radistania. She majored in Military and Strategic Studies when she was only 12 years old, and then minored in Nuclear Weapons and Strategy. She is now old enough to kick your ass so its best you dont ask her age...
Her job is to research and identify threats and provide information on understanding best methods and weapons to use in deterring or defeating them.
- Helped create the Asparagus Labrys.
- Some of her favorite past times include gardening, fashion, taproot dancing and cloning onion people and turning them into her minions.
- She is the first beetroot to have ever joined the Radistania army.
- She may or may not have psychopathic tendencies.
- She comes from a rich ass family and was childhood friends with Bob The Tomato and Larry The Cucumber, the latter whom she used to date during her teen years. Unfortunately for Larry, Beetroot later realized she was a lesbian and that he was also leeching off of her anyways, so she then promptly dumped him. Larry never recovered.