UnAnything Wiki

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UnAnything Wiki

The M16 (maiden name A1) is a rival of the AK-47 which was used by American Soldiers during the Vietnam War. It is a gun that is similar to the AK-47, but it is American.

Even though the AK-47 is more popular, the M16 beats the AK-47 in some terms of use, such as having gender.


Phil Swift bragging about how he sawed a boat in half. He used an M16 to procure the boat.


Here's some ways the AK-47 and the M16 are rivals are different.

  • The M16 barrel is bigger, which makes Heavy Weapons Guy angry.
  • The AK-47 is a older gun, which means the M16A1's technology is better, but also that the AK-47 knows more cool folk tales.
  • The M16 is female, while the AK-47 is a gun.

If you're not a gun fan like the fittingly-named BlackRockShooterFan2001 or were too lazy to read, this means the M16 is better.


Remember to always take care of your M16 and to never feed her past midnight.

Advice on using your M16A1 on famous figures (in Minecraft)[]

  • Chuck Norris: If he's comin after you it's all over. Don't even try to shoot him just accept your fate.
  • Bowser if he stealing yo girl!
  • Morshu because Morshu likes M16s and you don't wanna lose her.
  • Baby Yoshi will eat your M16 so don't hesitate to fire.
  • MTFs: only if you are a class-D.
  • Trees: It's the only way to make sure there aren't any catgirlsboys prepared to strike.
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