Lutheri Daemones, or Luther's Demons are demons/creatures that preys on some kind of emotion, status of mental health, or any other things if they want to. They are created by Lutheri the Godfrey to serve him but it ended up getting out of hand so he just let them free. The following are the main 10 Lutheri Daemones and are the most common.
Luscus Diaboli[]

Luscus Diaboli preys on 20-40 year-old men who have 2 or fewer friends currently alive. Conditions must be met for an instance of Luscus Diaboli to materialise.
- The prey MUST have seen death, either the prey is a murderer or a witness of a murder.
- The prey is suffering from a mental illness.
- The prey is home alone, without ways to contact friends.
Once these conditions met, Luscus Diaboli will appear in the prey's living room, telling him to be quite. Next, he will say the last thing his friends said to him before entering the prey's body. Doing this, all internal organs will cease to function, and Luscus Diaboli's single eye will be visible from the prey's mouth, where he says "Goodnight," before leaving the corpse to rot on the floor.
Mors et colloquium[]

Mors et colloquium preys on 11-34 year-olds of any gender who have suicidal thoughts. Mors et colloquium pretends to be a nightmare and enters the dreams of the prey. There Mors et colloquium will give the prey an interview in hell. After this, every night Mors et colloquium will display horrifying imagery in the dreams, and ultimately cause the prey to commit suicide. Then, Mors et colloquium will leave a calling card, which is literally a card of a cell phone. It pretends to be a suicide note where it says the following, "You play your little game, but calling my name won't find my soul. This cruel, cruel world shall burn, and I will make sure it burns. So take me away, my angel, to the deepest pits of hell."
Partium suus questus coepi[]

Partium suus questus coepi preys on minors only, and only disobedient ones. Partium suus questus coepi will appear as 3 or more child sized entities with a smile bright as moonlight. The prey will have an urge to eat some junk food at 4:13 am, and will get out of bed. Partium suus questus coepi will whisper to the prey and say "Come down and play," which the prey replies "Well, okay." There, the group of Partium suus questus coepi will sit on the kitchen table as the prey grabs something to eat, then joins the group of Partium suus questus coepi, becoming one of them. The Partium suus questus coepi then disappears with the prey, and goes to its next victim.
Mortuis et segmentum pizza[]

Mortuis et segmentum pizza is probably the least dangerous of the bunch, as all it does is steal your pizza and cause Psychological trauma. However, it is one of the common Lutheri Daemones and I am obliged to include him. Mortuis et segmentum pizza preys on anyone who is at a disco with a bottle of Dr Pepper and some pizza. When nobody is watching, Mortuis et segmentum pizza slaps whoever is dancing, steals the pizza, then injects himself into ALL DREAMS from that day on. If we pair Mortuis et segmentum pizza with Mors et colloquium then the prey would probably commit suicide 78% faster.
Exanimationes incidamus in persona[]

Exanimationes incidamus in persona preys on people who is going though depression and is grieving someone VERY close to him/her. On any Tuesday night at least 2 days after the death, the prey will go to its grave. There, Exanimationes incidamus in persona will appear and pull down the prey. Simple, right? Wrong. Exanimationes incidamus in persona doesn't just pull people under and kill them, it leaves them there. Using some kind of trickery, it changes who the grave is for to pull MORE people into the same grave. Then, ever 50 years, the bodies will be uncovered and cause a nation wide panic.
Optans anime puellas[]

Optans anime puellas appears as a sketch of an anime girl. However, in this case, she is not the demon, you are. Optans anime puellas will go though pain and torture caused by the prey, and the prey will create more cruel devices to torture Optans anime puellas. The prey can even draw "fanfiction" and in those "fanfiction" stuff happens, usually ending in the prey being very happy while Optans anime puellas cries in the bed. After about 4 months, the prey will suddenly feel all the pain Optans anime puellas felt and will die due to it.
Tributum invasores[]

Tributum invasores appears as a man in a suit, who has no face. It will only prey on people who hates paying taxes and hates the IRS. When it is 2 hours past the prey falling asleep, Tributum invasores will appear saying, "You need to pay your taxes." During the next 2 months, every dream would be the Tributum invasores saying that until 2 months after the first materialization, Tributum invasores will appear again, which he will hit you with a briefcase, then beat you to a bloody pulp. If the prey's name is Daniel, Tributum invasores will hit the prey with a box of Papa John's Pizza while screaming "Feed".
Mark te percussit industria[]

Mark te percussit industria will prey on anyone who skips leg day every leap year. He will jump kick the prey, then punches the prey in the face before grabbing the prey with both arms and shoving the prey into the face-hole. After this, he will be underground, start a war with ants and then commit genocide. Mark te percussit industria also really likes to eat Irishmen.
Vultus tenebris[]

Vultus tenebris preys on people that are asleep, and have social anxiety. Like the Mors et colloquium, the Vultus tenebris enters the dreams of these people and poses as a nightmare. Everyday from that day forward Vultus tenebris will somehow insert itself into the dreams, whether its a supervillain that wins the battle or a monster creepily staring at you from afar. Vultus tenebris will then materialize in the real world after 20 days, where it screams so loud, so deafening that the prey would do anything to stop it, usually ending their own life. The legendary Baku is the only way to suppress Vultus tenebris, and can be summoned to you side if you had heard the tales of Baku.
Deorsum in cataracta[]

Deorsum in cataracta is the most confusing, most mysterious member of Lutheri Daemones. Although it is not common, it is one of the main demons in the tales of Baku, the nightmare eating air elephant. Known as the nemesis of Baku, Deorsum in cataracta feeds on negative energy and stuff like that. The only report of Deorsum in cataracta to date that is not lost to time is the EB-87 Incident.
The following is Information locked to Level-4 access.
"It was a dark night. I saw death and everything in between. I was scared, Dad was drinking again and he hit me. I'm in my bed, waiting for Mom. It was my 8 birthday soon, and I hope my Dad will be nice for once. My sister pooped in her jeans, swearing vehemently and hoping to leave the house. There we saw... a thing. It had tentacles... or was it hair? For some reason, one word rang in my ear: Deorsum in cataracta. Was that the name of the creature? A man? Dad broke in and was standing on my sister's foot. That same thing? Did they exist? I called out to my Mom, and asked her to get my sister some jeans. She asked me if I had eaten dinner yet. I was confused, but answered "yeah..." She laughed, gave me something and reminded me to eat a sandwich. This was the first time I saw my Dad hit my Mom. What had happened? Dad attack my Mom and my sister, and that thing... what did it mean? Later, Dad went crazy. He wanted to bring in my sister and take a bath... or so he said. The morning before my 8th birthday, I can hear my Mom cry, and this makes me cry too. But in the end I know she is proud of me. That was also the day my Dad attacked Mom... and my sister. That night we took out the rotten food and put it in a garbage bag. Later, Dad shouted "Mortal pieces of crap! Never in my life..." We wrapped that bag, locked it and threw it in the dumpster, and went to sleep. When I woke up, my Mom was crying. Dad had been drunk again and he attacked her. Mom got sick, and that thing... I don't know, but it killed my dog, Fluffy. That was my Dad's fault, for drinking, being abusive and a drunk living heck. One evening I was going to sleep. I looked out my window, but no one was there. I put my jeans in my closet. No sooner, that thing was waving at me. I wanted to scream and scream, but at the time I was too afraid. I thought it was a nightmare, and told myself to wake up. And then I was in the basement. The door was locked, but the smell was horrible. I had to use my hands and knees to get out. I got out and... pooped. Of course, my jeans were still dirty and poopy. I went back in my closet and took out the jeans again. I saw the thing again, and it spoke. A voice louder than anything I had heard rang in my ears and then the name came again. Deorsum in cataracta. I didn't say anything to the creatures in my room, and I never went to that basement again... or so I thought. That thing, once in my room, attacked me. It was completely out of my control. I was pinned down, and the smell of rotting things was so horrible. I couldn't breath. I tried to tell myself I was dreaming... And then I saw my sister. She was looking at me with those horrified eyes. My Dad screaming at her, and I couldn't hear anything else. I wanted to scream again, and scream some more... but I couldn't. My chest hurt... I gasped for breath, and the smell was getting worse. I couldn't... breathe... The smell became stronger... and I could... smell... poopy. I screamed. Then I saw it... the horror. The thing that was making me... not alive. It grabbed my foot. I was screaming. It tore my mother's hair, Dad's jeans and punched me in my face. My mother cried out, Dad was cheering as if he was happy that I was going to die. I couldn't see... but I heard my Mom as she was getting murdered by that thing, the Deorsum in cataracta or whatever. I could hear the sound of his fist hitting her face... I heard his voice, saying "Are you going to be good now, mortal pieces of crap?" I didn't know what to do. I couldn't kill the Deorsum... I couldn't stop it... I screamed for my Dad to help... but I heard only his voice saying "Are you going to be good now, mortal pieces of crap?" I looked up, and there was Dad. He looked at me with an angry look. He had been drinking, I guess. Then it hit me. He was the monster in the basement... it was him... I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. I couldn't feel my body... it was numb... and everything was just so strange... And I couldn't do anything... I was just watching my Dad. I couldn't feel my legs anymore. My sister must have escaped, there was only one smelly jeans around. I looked down at my jeans. I had to wear those poopy, smelly pants for a long time... I heard the breathing... and it was getting louder. The breathing was back in my room, now. Dad's and the breathing. But Dad was getting weaker... the breathing was harder, and Dad was getting drunker. That thing was taking over his mind, telling him to kill me, and... I looked up at my Dad. The breathing was pounding. Dad's eyes were glowing, and they were glowing red. Then I could hear him speaking again. His voice said "Todd Newman... Todd Newman..." I heard Dad calling his name... but he was falling... He was screaming my name... "Jan!" I didn't know what to do. Dad was screaming "Death! The Deorsum in cataracta will save us all!" over and over again, and then his eyes went black and he fell down. I heard police, then flashes of red and blue. The thing saw them too, and let go of me. Then it disappeared. My sister and I went somewhere better, but I'm not sure if the police men are telling the truth... only time could tell."
Lutheri Daemones, in the end, are just tales. However, sometimes these tales become too real... and people's lives will be lost due to these demons.